There will always be slight variations but the factory does a good job at making all production copies as consistent as possible, it's quite the feat considering all the steps the painting goes through, it's a combined effort of hand painting, spray painting and machine printing for the smaller details.
I think in the pursuit of realism collectors have forgotten that these are meant to be figures. We are lucky enough that Nate has that watch because it can hide the joint without limiting any articulation and make it so only the one arm needs to be seamless, but we still include a right arm with a wrist joint as well because there's only so much you can do with an arm stuck in one position.
The obsession with seamless/realistic figures gets even trickier with characters with exposed knees, elbows or chest. Collectors think medical grade silicone is perfect for these, because after all many statues have used it and they're lasting, but they fail to realize those statues are stuck in a certain pose, the silicone isn't being stressed from it's original mold shape. With a figure, any kind of articulation that changes the original mold shape will inevitably stress the silicone and make it so it will eventually crack. It doesn't even matter if it's in a harmless museum pose, if the body is not posed exactly like how it got out of the mold, the silicone will be under constant stress.
That was a bit long haha but I just had to point that out, it's a bit contradictory to want real leather and other genuine materials for figure clothes but many are willing to settle for silicone bodies and arms with no articulation for the sake of realism.
Back to your question, at least with Nate's system we don't have to worry about the longevity of the arms so of course Joel will be done the same way, and luckily for us, the healing mechanic from the game allows to also provide people the option of turning the jointed arm seamless by covering it with a bandage!