Little Big Planet...

Collector Freaks Forum

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Last night was epic. Not only did we complete half of the entire game in about 2.5 hours, we also got through the mine cart level with a lot less restarts than the last time.

I swear, whoever thought "let's put hair-trigger explosives puzzles early in chapter 3" deserves to be dragged out into the street and shot. :banghead
So...are we on again tonight, boys?

Kabuki: Kain and I were online about an hour before you joined us last night so we'll probably do the same thing again tonight - clear off as many levels as we can with two players, then get whatever we missed when you join us.
Thanks for the help last night guys, Just have the collectors lair left and then I will be at 100% again. Just let me know when you guys want to play again.
I can play again tonight, but that'll be it for this week. With the world ending on Saturday, I should probably spend some time with the girlfriend... :D
I don't think I'll be available until next week. :monkey2

Man, we blew through this game. Bring on LBP2! :rock

Defiantly ready for some LBP 2.

I can play again tonight, but that'll be it for this week. With the world ending on Saturday, I should probably spend some time with the girlfriend... :D

Cool It shouldn't take too long I can get my son to help out. There is a 4x spot so we might have to have an anchor.
Tonight's a no-go for me, but I might be able to play tomorrow night. And pretty much most weeknights are good; it's the weekends where my time is more limited.
I dunno if I'm gonna be able to make it tonight. My week just kind of got all messed up Monday, I may not be able to make it until next week.