Little Big Planet...

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Yeah they are and I'm hoping thats why when I put the hard drive in my system it wants to format it because it doesn't recognize my account and if and when the PSN goes up I can put the hd in there and everything works.

I hope you're right. It'd suck to have to re-do everything from scratch, particularly that minecart level and the bane of my existence; the Bunker.

I remember how mad I was when I lost my original LBP save, and I had only completed the first three chapters!

The way I see it, though, this gives me an opportunity to ace some of the levels I didn't ace the first time around. Let's just hope PSN comes back up sometime this calendar year. :)
I did a brief search, and it seems like you can share LBP game saves, but you lose the ability to earn trophies if you use a shared save.
I had to format the drive everything is gone. ____in sony and their screwed up file system.
So are we all able to access PSN? Kabuki, Kain, Rizzo...shall we start scheduling for LBP1 now? I'm ready to go. :impatient:
So...tonight, then? At the usual time?

If we have at least three players, we can also finish off Marvel level 2 once and for all, using the anchor technique if necessary.
I will be on just send me an invite. I blasted through the levels all the way up to the Islands last night grabbing as many stickers as I could.
I'll be downloading this when the PSN is ready to go again. Figure it should be a good time.
Sweet. We should be able to finish off the first two chapters 100% in one sitting without any problems. Chapter 3 might take a bit longer, depending on how many tries it takes us to pass the :cuss mine cart level.

And since Kabuki has already aced every single level in the game, HE can take care of the level bosses while the rest of us sit back unscathed. :nana:

To anyone who owns Little Big Planet and wishes to complete it 100%, we can always use a fourth player.
What's our usual time? :lol

Josh - post here when you get it and maybe some of us can help you get the multi-player required unlockables.

...assuming we're not all LBP'd out by then :monkey3
What's our usual time? :lol

Josh - post here when you get it and maybe some of us can help you get the multi-player required unlockables.

...assuming we're not all LBP'd out by then :monkey3

It's typically around 7PM central until 10PM. I'll probably be on earlier tonight, though, as there's nothing to watch on TV. I'll most likely be screwing around on Playstation Home; just send me a message when we're ready to go.

And I may have found us a fourth player. Luckily, there's always the anchor should he fail to join us.
Josh if you decide you want 2 I still have the new copy. Never got around to selling it