Super Freak
Didn't you hear? Logan was a mediocre movie, the only reason it gets as much praise as it does is great performances, great story as well as great action, not to mention emotion.

Didn't you hear? Logan was a mediocre movie, the only reason it gets as much praise as it does is great performances, great story as well as great action, not to mention emotion.
Can you provide proof? If not, kindly not pull **** out of your ass.
^ Did you see that in writing? If not, how can you be sure?
Again. Does it look like what I wrote was a fact?
I was kidding. Learn how to take a damn joke. Sheesh. Chilll the **** out .how the hell can you think what I said was stating a fact lmao.
You expect me to imply a lot from a wall of text? Not to mention, I dont know you and how you are as a person.
How the fuu can you expect me to read that as a joke? Maybe next time, put a /joke disclaimer on it or something.
I cant read your mind. Nobody here can. Clarify.
Well, It seemed as if you were stating it as fact or I wouldn't have asked.
Yea, it did. It is hard to gauge sarcasm in a post, and when you said that you were sure that something was done, I took it as you were stating fact. I'm obviously not the only person that thought so.
Let's get back to hoping that HT makes a Logan figure.
All good. I'll keep in mind to look at your posts as jokes. Don't think you're someone I want to take seriously anyways based on your posts.
Fact, by the way.
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Yea you and some other guy and when I said I'm sure I meant it sarcastically. I even put a "psh" at the end of my post.
Lol wow
It's I "couldn't" care less. Hope that helps!
Looking forward to this figure. Maybe.