looking for P1 mother ship ref, pics

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in p1 there was only 1 hunter, so he would not need an entire ship
in p2 there was an entire clan
Since you're talking about REAL LIFE (because you said all of these examples were NOT Cannon) then you're wrong. In REAL LIFE there were no "Clans" in P1. It was a single Alien, hunting on Earth. To say "he was alone, why would he need a big ship?" is like asking "well he's single.. why does he need a huge ass Hummer?" To each his own. In P1 there's a mothership, and from that mothership launches a smaller craft, not a "Pod".

in p1 we never saw what he landed in so it cannot be assumed it was another ship
By that rationale then you can't assume it was a "Pod" which by the way, wasn't created until AVP.

in p1 the original ship was too small to deploy another ship the size of what we saw in p2

Looks like a full size "Mothership" to me.
:rolleyes:thats not the mothership...the mother ship is the ship seen in avp and avpr dvd.

and i don't see what you are saying i was wrong about



scout ship
that isnt a mothership. its a smaller craft that comes away from the mothership