Looking to buy a new TV...neEd help!

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Oct 11, 2006
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MY wife and I have decided it's time to buy a new TV. The research part is all on me and I'm confused?

Should I get a Plasma ? a LCd? Or a LED? There are some killer deals on Plasma's , I saw a 50" for $559. What would you freaks advise? I really have no clue what is best?
Re: Looking to buy a new TV...ned help!

At lease a 50inch and get a Panasonic 1080p plasma, the highest rated one on the market for over 5 years (even through Consumer Reports)
Re: Looking to buy a new TV...ned help!

:slap...look at my Title! so yes if Ned can help.....I'd appreciate it! :lol

Re: Looking to buy a new TV...ned help!

I've recently replaced mine with 2 LCD's and they are great. It was soooo good to get rid of the big/bulky and broken TV sets that I had. I got a 32" for my living room and 26" for the bedroom and it is a great screen :rock

I think it depends on the size of your room aswell. I couldn't have a 50" screen in my living room but if you can fit one and it looks good then go for it.
x :peace

p.s, you want me to amend the title? :lol
Re: Looking to buy a new TV...ned help!

MY wife and I have decided it's time to buy a new TV. The research part is all on me and I'm confused?

Should I get a Plasma ? a LCd? Or a LED? There are some killer deals on Plasma's , I saw a 50" for $559. What would you freaks advise? I really have no clue what is best?

I prefer LCD. Plasmas tend to run really hot, take quite a bit more power (so they're more expensive to run), and can actually lose brightness over time ... or so I've heard (never actually owned a plasma for those reasons).

But, I wouldn't buy anything under 65" either -- if you're going to fork over a bunch of money for a TV, make sure you're not going to want to upgrade in size in just a few years. I'll be in the market next month for a 70". I've seen them as big as 83".

Re: Looking to buy a new TV...ned help!

Do not get a Plasma. I used to be one of THE member here that fought for Plasma over LCD. My and my cousin's new plasmas have burn in already and we've both had them for less than 2 years.

a new version of this thread pops up every few months. :lol I've been bumping the old thread as I too am on the look out. I am super super close to picking up the P50S14 50" Panasonic Viera plasma. just waiting to see what the deal is on Sunday's ad. The reason I am leaning towards plasma is actually that I have a perfect sized space for a 50" screen and LCDs usually only come in either 46" or 52", but plasmas come in 50".
a new version of this thread pops up every few months. :lol I've been bumping the old thread as I too am on the look out. I am super super close to picking up the P50S14 50" Panasonic Viera plasma. just waiting to see what the deal is on Sunday's ad. The reason I am leaning towards plasma is actually that I have a perfect sized space for a 50" screen and LCDs usually only come in either 46" or 52", but plasmas come in 50".

Prog, weren't you going to get one through Best Buy? Get the service plan and if anything does go wrong with it, you're covered anyway. There's no way I'd get a new tv without a service plan.
yep I'm waiting to see if maybe Best Buy throws in a free Bluray or something with the Viera next week. Next saturday is the drop dead date for me to pick a tv because the $300 gift card with Direct TV promo ends.

I'll have to think about the service plan. everything I read like consumer reports says not to do it. if the tv is gonna break it'll break the first year, they say. a 2 year deal for a $1000 tv is usually about $200...so if you think about it you are betting there is a higher than 1/4 or 1/5 chance it will break. a company's reputation would be totally ruined if they broke that often.
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I ended up going with a 52" plasma - you're right, there are some great deals. Package included a Blu-Ray player and also surround sound.

I was all about getting an LCD until I heard that plasmas were way better for gaming because of the higher contrast ratio, so I just went with it. Couldn't be happier.
I went LCD, Sony Bravia, personally I prefer LCD over Plasma looks a bit sharper to my eye but it comes down to personal taste. Just have a good look at both & get one that's 1080p for your BluRay which you will buy
yep I'm waiting to see if maybe Best Buy throws in a free Bluray or something with the Viera next week. Next saturday is the drop dead date for me to pick a tv because the $300 gift card with Direct TV promo ends.

I'll have to think about the service plan. everything I read like consumer reports says not to do it. if the tv is gonna break it'll break the first year, they say. a 2 year deal for a $1000 tv is usually about $200...so if you think about it you are betting there is a higher than 1/4 or 1/5 chance it will break. a company's reputation would be totally ruined if they broke that often.

The average cost of a 4 year service plan at Best Buy for a 50" Plasma around $1,000 is $219. I can't really see where that isn't a good idea. I have such terrible luck. If I didn't get it, my TV would blow up right after the manufacture's warranty was up. Since I can't fix tvs and no one around here does, I'd get it.
559 for 50' sounds weird.if you want to buy a 50' tv then you shoud spent much more in order to be satisfied imo
The average cost of a 4 year service plan at Best Buy for a 50" Plasma around $1,000 is $219. I can't really see where that isn't a good idea. I have such terrible luck. If I didn't get it, my TV would blow up right after the manufacture's warranty was up. Since I can't fix tvs and no one around here does, I'd get it.

If the service plan wasn't profitable, they wouldn't sell it -- which means, on average, people pay more for the insurance than they use in repairs. My understanding is that these joints make more profit on the service plan that on the damn TV. Its always a bad idea. Insure for catastrophes, not repairs ... when the worst case scenario is buying another $1000 TV, insurance is overkill (particularly when the insurance costs almost 25% of the new value of the TV).

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If the service plan wasn't profitable, they wouldn't sell it -- which means, on average, people pay more for the insurance than they use in repairs. My understanding is that these joints make more profit on the service plan that on the damn TV. Its always a bad idea. Insure for catastrophes, not repairs ... when the worst case scenario is buying another $1000 TV, insurance is overkill (particularly when the insurance costs almost 25% of the new value of the TV).


I agree with that personally. Especially considering the depreciation of TVs. In a year when my TV manufacturer warranty expires my $1000 will probably be selling for $750. So in reality I'd be spending $200 to warranty a $750 TV for a year.

It could definately break and it would be good to have the insurance then, but Best Buy definately is counting on fear of it happening to sell the warranty.
I agree with that personally. Especially considering the depreciation of TVs. In a year when my TV manufacturer warranty expires my $1000 will probably be selling for $750. So in reality I'd be spending $200 to warranty a $750 TV for a year.

It could definately break and it would be good to have the insurance then, but Best Buy definately is counting on fear of it happening to sell the warranty.

Actually, you'd be paying $200 for FOUR years, so it would be $50 a year, though I don't think you'd care either way. :lol

Hopefully you won't have any problems with your's. Me......trouble finds me. :(