tomandshell said:Locke has a very special relationship with the island and all the Others are primed to love and follow him. I think he will grow to be their great leader, as Ben knows full well... we are also primed for the big showdown between Locke and Jack in the season finale.
I saw him too. I had to rewind it and watch it in slow motion.Buttmunch said:Anyone else see Jacob. I did. Seriously, I thought I saw someone in the shakes. Appearently we see him for 11 frames. Here are some pics of them.
tomandshell said:Ben is able to talk with Locke, who has become the leader of the Others. Future Locke gives orders to Ben in the past.
Entropy Chicken said:This sounds very likely.
We know Locke's special relationship with the island results in his spinal injury being healed, did it also allow him to hear Jacob (and will it heal that wound)? And why does Ben want The Others to believe he was born on the island? Is it to make them think he's special? Is Locke the 'real deal' that Ben is pretending to be? If so, does that mean Ben's gonna die soon?He's my fav. And was Ben's mom the smoke monster - like Eko's brother or Jack's dad? Will Ben be killed by said smoke monster/mom?
'Jacob' could be Alvar Hanso. Founder of the great Dharma Initiative. Bear with me, as it's only a theory:
The "natives" or "hostiles" lived on the island relatively as minimalists. They were aware of the power the island had but lived in harmony with it. Enter the Dharma Initiative, a technological group put on the island with hopes to harness the energy of the island, for reasons I can't yet formulate.
Threatened by this, and with the help of young Ben, who over the years helped smuggle the means of overthrowing Dharma, do just that. They kill everyone except Alvar Hanso, whose communion with the island is great, and is greatly amplified by the use of technology.
Thus, they take Hanso hostage. He "feels the way Locke does about technology" not because he truly feels that way, but rather access to this technology would greatly advance his ability to escape.
Though why they would keep him hostage, I'm not sure. Maybe Ben can harness Jacob's communion with the island (his power) to keep the Others following him. This could be why Ben is threatened by Locke, who seems to hold a very similar comminuion with the island.
tomandshell said:The only thing more fun than coming up with crazy theories is seeing them proved wrong when the show does something unexpected. It's great that with all the people trying to figure things out, the producers and writers can still manage to surprise us. When Ben started talking to "Jacob" I figured, OK, they are going that way with it. He's crazy. But then when things started shaking and we heard the voice and saw the flash (I caught it the first time but my wife didn't) my theories just kind of went out the window. I hope Locke gets healed from his latest life threatening injury so he can get back into the haunted shack and figure out why the ghost of Jacob needs help. Although it didn't surprise me that Ben shot him after realizing that Locke really did hear something. Jealous guy--Locke's connection with the island just keeps getting deeper and deeper and I don't think Ben likes that very much. Were the producers just throwing us off when they told us to expect a Jack VS. Locke showdown in the finale? Because based on that, I certainly wasn't expecting the episode to end the way it did.
And now we are going to have to figure out why Richard Alpert is immortal. Is there a fountain of youth on the island? How many of the Others are natives and how many were recruited from off the island? I am curious as to why Ben is the leader when Alpert is clearly the one who recruited/initiated him. (Looks like you have to kill your dad to join the club.)
Once again, for every one of the little answers they provide, tons of new questions are introduced. It will be fun to see the new explanations that emerge after this episode.
tomandshell said:My first response to seeing Richard in the jungle confronting young Ben (well, second after the initial "what the...") was that he was a survivor from the Black Rock.
So the island makes you immortal but unable to reproduce. Hence their fascination with children.
And why does Jacob have a painting of Vincent in his cabin?