Blue Flame of the West/Mod
My brain hurts.
Or General Zod?!!Maybe it's the "ghost" of Alvar Hanso who hates the tech. that went haywire and got him stuck in the phantom zone?
Lembas Eater said:I don't have much to add to all this except remembering some ealier lines that I never forgot and even meant to mention here before any mention of Jacob:
Tom: "Our leader is a great man."
Jack: "Ben is not a great man."
Tom: "No, Ben is not."
Entropy Chicken said:So what are Ben's motivations? He is a liar and a manipulator, but he isn't stupid. I really don't think he trusts Juliette in any way, or at least trusts that he cannot trust her. Why would he then sent her undercover as his spy unless he knew that she would betray him, reveal the tape recorder and get Jack and the gang to attack The Others when they come to collect Sun and Kate.
As we were informed before, Ben has a way of getting you to do what he wants and make you think it was your idea. Ben wants the 815 peeps to attack - to kill off his rivals and doubters among The Others perhaps, but more likely it's part of Jacob's machinations to get Locke to become the new second in command of The Others. For this to happen Ben must be overthrown. Is he sacrificing himself and his position so that Locke can take the next step in his destiny? Being told that you must become Judas/the betrayer must as difficult as being told that you must become Jesus/the savior.
congerking said:interesting, I think that ben is going to either get killed in the season finale, or get injured to the point where locke will take over as the leader of the hostiles.