LOST Juliet Burke Commission

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Hello All,

Last word I had was that Juliet would be ready near the end of September, which we are now in the last few days of. I’ll follow up with the sculptor to see if he has any updates.

Good news though (sort of good news, I guess) is that the Triad Eva showed up on my doorstep a few days ago! Truth be told, I’m not all that impressed with her; I guess I just thought she’d be perfect after such a long wait.

The body is beautiful, but there are a lot of problems with the inner workings of it. The chest piece and the lower torso are connected by a spring that has a tendency to snap forward or back when you try to pose her, which is really frustrating. The results make her look like she’s got a potbelly or a bad case of scoliosis.

I did find a work around for this here: https://menwithdolls.yuku.com/topic/11707

Essentially all you have to do is put hot glue around the parts where the spring would snap back into – it gives better stability for the piece as the spring can’t move into these pieces because they are blocked by the glue.

I can understand the move toward super mobility with these figures, but for someone like me who just wants to display the pieces standing up, it’s a bit of a hassle having to deal with the wonkiness of springs and loose joints – especially considering this figure was delayed for something like two years – she should’ve come out perfect.

Anyway, rant over; I’ll let you all know any updates as soon as I have them!
Good news about the sculpt:)

But more bad news about Eva:(
I've been hearing nothing but bad things about this figure, including limbs dropping off.
Yes, it can be fixed but for $40.00 you should not need to!

I, for one, will be sticking with TTL thank you:)
Hey AllisonAmy! Just wanted to hear your thoughts on the Eva – I just discovered mine has a crack where the hand peg goes into the arm… just lovely!

A bit off topic – I’ve been thinking about having some custom stands done – just a beach base with water coming up to meet it and the Lost logo on it. Has anyone ever heard of anybody doing something like this? Would anyone be interested in doing a commission if I could locate someone to take this on?
Hey AllisonAmy! Just wanted to hear your thoughts on the Eva – I just discovered mine has a crack where the hand peg goes into the arm… just lovely!

A bit off topic – I’ve been thinking about having some custom stands done – just a beach base with water coming up to meet it and the Lost logo on it. Has anyone ever heard of anybody doing something like this? Would anyone be interested in doing a commission if I could locate someone to take this on?
Hi! The couple of problems I have had with Eva are the same as you and others have experienced. I have a little trouble keeping her midsection straight. I think she is more comfortable in a contorted position. I put the Triad catsuit on her (because I'm attempting to do Selene from Underworld) and her leg keeps popping out, so I had to put the catsuit on again a couple of times. I don't care for the feel of the plastic; it seems cheap, to me. I had a hard time getting the hands on, so I stopped trying. I'll try again, later.

I also just ordered a Tokyo Body - when I get back to my work computer on Thursday, I'll send the link to that one. That one was very pricey and I hope it's worth the money. I mostly don't like the big butts on the female action figures that i have seen. I really don't have much of a plan; I'm just buying a few different things and seeing what I like, best.

On a side note, I believe I have found all of the clothing for Shannon (when she was wearing the pink jacket & white skirt in the pilot episode). I would like to get a lot of the characters made.

The stand is a great idea. I'm sure I would buy some if they were made.
I was very disappointed with the Eva Bodies. Cheap plastic, legs falling off, the crazy midsection. The Alpha bodies are much better. I like the otaku too, just wish they made one with normal body shape. Its ok for fantasy stuff, but most actresses aren't built that way. A cool cheap body for slim figures like a Kate custom is the Hasbro GI Joe Baroness body or Sideshows _____ Galore.
This fix for the EVA using a hot glue gun works. The only tricky part is re-assembling the belly piece without breaking the pins. It is a drag to have to learn how to fix Triad's experimental bodies, but this one is easier than the Otaku was. I'd be carfeul about trying to stretch the spring, the alternate fix lower in the thread. The glue "sueding" by itself works fine.
Hi all, I love this figurine and I need at least two. Please, add me to the list. I'm from Italy.
Hi all, I love this figurine and I need at least two. Please, add me to the list. I'm from Italy.

Add me to the list for the Juliet head sculpt

Hello and welcome – added to the list!

That's perfect, wouldn't change a thing. Her lusciously pumped lips (so hot btw) are easily the hardest thing to nail and you have!

Thanks for the kind words – I agree that the lips were the hardest, having had many conversations with the sculptor about them! ;)

Any idea on when we will need to send payment?

Any updates on when Juliet might be done?

Hey guys – I honestly don’t believe she’ll be ready this year – hopefully early next year.

Sorry everyone for the delay – I’ve been very busy with work and school and haven’t been able to update as much, though there haven’t really been any updates to fill you in on… Will hopefully have the images of the wax sculpt soon, and then she’ll be ready for casting. I'll let you know as soon as I have an update.

Happy Holidays!

Thanks for the update Andy!

Early next year is probably best with the holidays this month anyways. I know I'm tapped out for a bit myself, with the new baby on top of Christmas and all that.

So I'll be hoarding the headsculpts that become available in the next little bit without getting them painted (which will drive me NUTS).