Lucas donates half his fortune to charity!

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I don't care what anyone says about the PT, the OT was the mythology of our time and I don't begrudge the man his fortune. Good for him if he wants to donate half. Good for him.
I dont know if there is a thread on this already, but damn!:horror:cuckoo: Thats alot of dough. Very impressive and honorable of him and the group.:clap:clap:clap-

Thanks for the heads up! and George is Fantastic! I'm so happy part of my money I spend for the star wars collection is now used for that honorable purpose! to educate new generations! That's so awesome!THANK YOU GEORGE THE FORCE IS NOW STRONGER THAN EVER WITH YOU!
What a waste. Homeschooling is the best and the cheapest. Anyone who doesn't know enough about life to be able to teach their own children is too incompetent to be a good parent. That's why a lot of parents send their children to schools to have OTHER people teach their children- because they are too stupid or don't care enough, or lack the interest in their children's well being to do it themselves. Then the children feel like they are handed off, and feel neglected, like their parents don't care enough about them to teach them. Parents USED to be the ones teaching their children, but now we have a public school system, which basically functions as an institution of mind control, which only TRAINS people to memorize and obey, but NOT to think. There are no ethics or logic classes in K-12, yet there ARE history classes, which are basically about indoctrinating people into believing in the government by which they are ruled.
The school system stresses uniformity, and quells individuality, treating everyone as if they are the same, because there are too many students compared to how many teachers there are, and you CAN'T treat everyone like they are individuals and gear the teaching method towards the particular personalities of the students, which is something that parents COULD do if they were so inclined. The public school system is about turning over more and more power to the government. In fact, the public school system was patterned after a program to turn Prussian serfs into military slaves, unlike the Waldorf Schools, for example.
Looks like George Lucas favors the Empire. :emperor

Too bad he couldn't have given his money to worthwhile charities, like Earthsave or perhaps Greenpeace.
Or maybe the ELF, or ALF, or some other terrorist organization.

Good job George. You proved yourself atleast competent enough to not have done what Blackthornone thinks is right and proper. Some people work, genius.
What a waste. Homeschooling is the best and the cheapest. Anyone who doesn't know enough about life to be able to teach their own children is too incompetent to be a good parent. That's why a lot of parents send their children to schools to have OTHER people teach their children- because they are too stupid or don't care enough, or lack the interest in their children's well being to do it themselves. Then the children feel like they are handed off, and feel neglected, like their parents don't care enough about them to teach them. Parents USED to be the ones teaching their children, but now we have a public school system, which basically functions as an institution of mind control, which only TRAINS people to memorize and obey, but NOT to think. There are no ethics or logic classes in K-12, yet there ARE history classes, which are basically about indoctrinating people into believing in the government by which they are ruled.
The school system stresses uniformity, and quells individuality, treating everyone as if they are the same, because there are too many students compared to how many teachers there are, and you CAN'T treat everyone like they are individuals and gear the teaching method towards the particular personalities of the students, which is something that parents COULD do if they were so inclined. The public school system is about turning over more and more power to the government. In fact, the public school system was patterned after a program to turn Prussian serfs into military slaves, unlike the Waldorf Schools, for example.
Looks like George Lucas favors the Empire. :emperor

Too bad he couldn't have given his money to worthwhile charities, like Earthsave or perhaps Greenpeace.

Or maybe the ELF, or ALF, or some other terrorist organization.

Good job George. You proved yourself atleast competent enough to not have done what Blackthornone thinks is right and proper. Some people work, genius.

And the U.S. Government that stole the entire continent from the indigenous peoples in the name of "Manifest Destiny" WEREN'T terrorists? Such as when the government gave them smallpox infected blankets, or when the Government conducted the Tuskegee experiment on black people? THAT is the agenda that the public school system exists to promote. So long as it's the U.S. government and the public school system it must be right, right? Because that's what they trained people to believe. Clearly, their system of brainwashing the populace has been very successful.
Since when are Earthsave or Greenpeace terrorist organizations? I bet you think the Sea Shepherds are terrorists too.
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yes you can. Lucas' focus is on education... text books... school programs... teacher's salaries...

the first thing charities need to do is deal with the birth rate in underdeveloped countries. Birth control should be the first line of education. If not, you can't throw enough money at the problem because the uncontrolled birth rate will make it where all the charity money isn't enough for all the new mouths to feed.
Yeah keep your kid from his peers and a chance to make friends and have social skills, that will work. Among other reasons
Yeah keep your kid from his peers and a chance to make friends and have social skills, that will work. Among other reasons

School just forces kids to be together who have nothing and common, and thus cannot get along, which leads to inevitable conflict. A kid can always network with other kids in the neighborhood for friends, or go to the park, ect. That way, they can hang out with people they actually like, rather than be forced to be near people who give him a hard time and cause him to become so jaded about humanity that he wants little to do with them, or as little to do with them as possible. Had he NOT been forced to be near inconsiderate individuals on a daily basis, he could give other human beings the benefit of the doubt, and thus be MORE inclined to be social. THAT'S what REALLY happens. I speak from personal experience. Every day going to school I hated it. It was like being in prison. The social aspect was the worst part. I much preferred the strict Catholic private school I went to where everyone minded their own business and didn't dare step out of line, where kids could be what they wanted. If kids want to keep to themselves, then they should be allowed to do that. If kids want to socialize, they should be allowed to do that too. Kids should be allowed to do either at their own pace and in their own way. It's THEIR lives after all. People just resent to be forced to do things they don't like and they resent those who force them.
The great thing is everyone is different and I dont think like that. I liked school and the friends I made. Of course I had neighborhood friends but it wasnt the same as going to school. I had plenty in common with my peers at school. Sounds like you just had some bad experiences and lashing out. My mom went to a Cathlic school and didnt like it. She ended up in a public high school and ended up just fine like me and so many freaks on here.

No High School football games, no Proms, no Homecomings, and a bunch of other things I would not have wanted to miss from school.
Oh and Parents are not teachers they are parents unless of course your parent is a teacher :) I mean in a educational standpoint.
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What a waste. Homeschooling is the best and the cheapest. Anyone who doesn't know enough about life to be able to teach their own children is too incompetent to be a good parent. That's why a lot of parents send their children to schools to have OTHER people teach their children- because they are too stupid or don't care enough, or lack the interest in their children's well being to do it themselves. Then the children feel like they are handed off, and feel neglected, like their parents don't care enough about them to teach them. Parents USED to be the ones teaching their children, but now we have a public school system, which basically functions as an institution of mind control, which only TRAINS people to memorize and obey, but NOT to think. There are no ethics or logic classes in K-12, yet there ARE history classes, which are basically about indoctrinating people into believing in the government by which they are ruled.
The school system stresses uniformity, and quells individuality, treating everyone as if they are the same, because there are too many students compared to how many teachers there are, and you CAN'T treat everyone like they are individuals and gear the teaching method towards the particular personalities of the students, which is something that parents COULD do if they were so inclined. The public school system is about turning over more and more power to the government. In fact, the public school system was patterned after a program to turn Prussian serfs into military slaves, unlike the Waldorf Schools, for example.
Looks like George Lucas favors the Empire. :emperor

Too bad he couldn't have given his money to worthwhile charities, like Earthsave or perhaps Greenpeace.

And the U.S. Government that stole the entire continent from the indigenous peoples in the name of "Manifest Destiny" WEREN'T terrorists? Such as when the government gave them smallpox infected blankets, or when the Government conducted the Tuskegee experiment on black people? THAT is the agenda that the public school system exists to promote. So long as it's the U.S. government and the public school system it must be right, right? Because that's what they trained people to believe. Clearly, their system of brainwashing the populace has been very successful.
Since when are Earthsave or Greenpeace terrorist organizations? I bet you think the Sea Shepherds are terrorists too.

School just forces kids to be together who have nothing and common, and thus cannot get along, which leads to inevitable conflict. A kid can always network with other kids in the neighborhood for friends, or go to the park, ect. That way, they can hang out with people they actually like, rather than be forced to be near people who give him a hard time and cause him to become so jaded about humanity that he wants little to do with them, or as little to do with them as possible. Had he NOT been forced to be near inconsiderate individuals on a daily basis, he could give other human beings the benefit of the doubt, and thus be MORE inclined to be social. THAT'S what REALLY happens. I speak from personal experience. Every day going to school I hated it. It was like being in prison. The social aspect was the worst part. I much preferred the strict Catholic private school I went to where everyone minded their own business and didn't dare step out of line, where kids could be what they wanted. If kids want to keep to themselves, then they should be allowed to do that. If kids want to socialize, they should be allowed to do that too. Kids should be allowed to do either at their own pace and in their own way. It's THEIR lives after all. People just resent to be forced to do things they don't like and they resent those who force them.

This is biggest bunch of garbage I have ever seen posted on the internet for so many reasons.:cuckoo:
This is biggest bunch of garbage I have ever seen posted on the internet for so many reasons.:cuckoo:

Not reasons. Reason is based upon logic. You mean based upon the knee jerk reaction you have because the beliefs that the school system and the mainstream media have programmed you with say otherwise. Spoken like a pawn of the system. "Put the glasses on" and "Free your mind."

Maybe Lucas's money can be used to pay for video surveillance in the schools so that no kid can ever get away with any mischief. all would be recorded, and all would be punished. Eventually, people would learn from a very early age that they can't live a life where you can get away with doing anything bad, and so eventually, they will give up trying to do anything bad. Thus, they will be far less likely to grow up to be criminals. That would be a truly socially beneficial way to spend money on schools, on what it needs MOST, which is to put and end to all discipline problems permanently. Every morning, there can be that familiar ringing sound with that very familiar logo.. "Let's see it in THX."
Audio, too, in order to record verbal threats and such. Directional mics, too, for those long distance conversations. Cameras everywhere but the bathroom stalls and the teacher's lounge, recording every square inch of the school. Live streaming on the internet. Total accountability. No, it isn't an invasion of privacy, because the school is a public place. No bullying, no smoking, no PDAs, no drug dealing, no inappropriate behavior of any kind will go unnoticed or unpunished. Also, install cell phone shielding to stop all cell phone calls. Perhaps even cell phone jammers. George Lucas understands technology. Let his money be spent on something he truly understands.
Not reasons. Reason is based upon logic. You mean based upon the knee jerk reaction you have because the beliefs that the school system and the mainstream media have programmed you with say otherwise. Spoken like a pawn of the system. "Put the glasses on" and "Free your mind."

Maybe Lucas's money can be used to pay for video surveillance in the schools so that no kid can ever get away with any mischief. all would be recorded, and all would be punished. Eventually, people would learn from a very early age that they can't live a life where you can get away with doing anything bad, and so eventually, they will give up trying to do anything bad. Thus, they will be far less likely to grow up to be criminals. That would be a truly socially beneficial way to spend money on schools, on what it needs MOST, which is to put and end to all discipline problems permanently. Every morning, there can be that familiar ringing sound with that very familiar logo.. "Let's see it in THX."
Audio, too, in order to record verbal threats and such. Directional mics, too, for those long distance conversations. Cameras everywhere but the bathroom stalls and the teacher's lounge, recording every square inch of the school. Live streaming on the internet. Total accountability. No, it isn't an invasion of privacy, because the school is a public place. No bullying, no smoking, no PDAs, no drug dealing, no inappropriate behavior of any kind will go unnoticed or unpunished. Also, install cell phone shielding to stop all cell phone calls. Perhaps even cell phone jammers. George Lucas understands technology. Let his money be spent on something he truly understands.

No its based on all the garbage you just polluted the internet with.

Do you think saying things like "Spoken like a pawn of the system. "Put the glasses on" and "Free your mind." makes you sound intelligent or deep, because it actually just makes you sound ridiculous.

Saying people who don't home school their children are stupid or just don't care about them or their education or just don't have an interest in them is hardly based on logic.

Did you ever think that possibly even people that would like to home school their children don't feel they would be qualified to give them a good education, most parents are not, especially in all subjects and would have to use some mail away or internet home schooling program to comply with the law if they are not a qualified teacher. Not to mention most people home schooled in that manner have little chance of being excepted into good schools after the high school level. Or is it possible they can't afford it because they don't make enough money for one parent too stay home or hire a tutor, or mabee they are a single parent that can't stay home with their children every day, but I suppose going by your "logic", that just means they are stupid and don't care.

Sheltering children by home schooling them and limiting who they socialize with is not better since it creates less opportunity to socialize with others, as oppose to going a school with other people and having a better choice of who they socialize with or if they want to socialize at all, instead of just the people in a particular neighborhood.

I can say for certain I have not been "programed" as you say, I just live in the real world. Feeling like you were in prison when going to school, means nothing since you don't know what it is actually like to actually be in something like a prison and going to school, its just normal childhood angst a lot of younger people feel, and most grow out of it at some point, and I know I had plenty of it. I spent a large portions of my childhood and all the way up into high school with much less than normal contact with society and some time stuck living in places with large groups of complete strangers, and in both situation with very little privacy or being able develop much in the way of normal social skills. So I know what having to go from one extreme to the next can be like, and it is not easy, took me many years to gain those social skills that people normally learn just by not being isolated. As a matter of fact even more than 15 years after the fact, being around groups of people I don't know can still on occasion bring on panic attacks, and let me tell you it isn't a fun thing to deal with. I can also say for certain that living in situations where every thing you do is being watched will not help society as it tends to cause people to become quite the opposite of you you think they will. Society in general and no matter the scale, only works if people are sociable, or it will just fall apart. We evolved as social beings, so it is in our nature whether or not you want to believe it.

I won't go any further in your conspiracy and big brother B.S, because I am sure you know whats best, considering your "strict Catholic private schooling" has obviously not effected you adversely in any way, and you somehow managed to turn out just fine.:rolleyes:

Anyhow I would like like to think that the things you posted were some sort of joke, but if not, as much as I don't agree with most of the things that go on in the psychiatric profession, I will make a rare exception in your case and suggest you go get some help before you actually spread your screwy ideas to any impressionable people.

Also I would have to say if the Sea Shepherds are involved with going to other countries and attacking whaling ships that are within their rights to do what they are doing, then YES they are terrorists, and should be treated as such by the people they attack, believe me, I won't shed a tear.:pfft:
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No doubt, Vivisect. And anyone who says Greenpeace has clean hands when it comes to Earth First (their reputation is well documented) then they are either naïve to an obscene extent, or they're dissimulating.

Honestly Blackthornone, some of the things you have said are patently frightening. Austrian wanderkind/bad painter frightening.

Have you read 1984? Animal Farm? Farenheit 451? The Moon is a Harsh Mistress? We the Living? When you finish that list, I recommend The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt, Omnipotent Government by Ludwig von Mises, Night by Eli Weisel, and The Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff. And if you don't read them, may I atleast suggest that you lay off the Pol Pot, Chernyshevsky and J.-J. Rousseau?
No doubt, Vivisect. And anyone who says Greenpeace has clean hands when it comes to Earth First (their reputation is well documented) then they are either naïve to an obscene extent, or they're dissimulating.

Honestly Blackthornone, some of the things you have said are patently frightening. Austrian wanderkind/bad painter frightening.

Have you read 1984? Animal Farm? Farenheit 451? The Moon is a Harsh Mistress? We the Living? When you finish that list, I recommend The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt, Omnipotent Government by Ludwig von Mises, Night by Eli Weisel, and The Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff. And if you don't read them, may I atleast suggest that you lay off the Pol Pot, Chernyshevsky and J.-J. Rousseau?
I didn't say Earth First!, I said Earthsave. Earthsave isa group founded by John Robbins, author of Diet For a New America, which is dedicated to educating people as to how their food choices affect their health, the animals, and the environment. By contrast, Earth First! is a radical environmental organization that chains themselves to trees and such. Earth First has been set up to take the blame for "terrorist acts" that they did not actually do before, and so they aren't as bad as it seems to many, however, I wasn't talking about them.
I haven't read those authors, but I do recommend "A People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn, for the real story of the U.S.

As far as totalitarianism, I'm just talking about cameras recording what goes on in schools the things that teachers and the school administration SHOULD be doing themselves, except that they are understaffed. So then, the children can always be held accountable for their actions according to the standards of discipline that already exist.
Nothing totalitarian about THAT.
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I applaud Lucas and the other billionaires for doing this, especially in these tough times. Charities have been hit REALLY hard by this economy, so kudos. :clap

I do have to question his timing, though, along with several others that have signed up recently, especially with the tax cuts expiring and him hitting the full 55%+ death tax rate next year. :thud:

Like I said, though, it's good for the charities that are struggling right now.
No its based on all the garbage you just polluted the internet with.

Do you think saying things like "Spoken like a pawn of the system. "Put the glasses on" and "Free your mind." makes you sound intelligent or deep, because it actually just makes you sound ridiculous.

Saying people who don't home school their children are stupid or just don't care about them or their education or just don't have an interest in them is hardly based on logic.

Did you ever think that possibly even people that would like to home school their children don't feel they would be qualified to give them a good education, most parents are not, especially in all subjects and would have to use some mail away or internet home schooling program to comply with the law if they are not a qualified teacher. Not to mention most people home schooled in that manner have little chance of being excepted into good schools after the high school level. Or is it possible they can't afford it because they don't make enough money for one parent too stay home or hire a tutor, or mabee they are a single parent that can't stay home with their children every day, but I suppose going by your "logic", that just means they are stupid and don't care.

Sheltering children by home schooling them and limiting who they socialize with is not better since it creates less opportunity to socialize with others, as oppose to going a school with other people and having a better choice of who they socialize with or if they want to socialize at all, instead of just the people in a particular neighborhood.

I can say for certain I have not been "programed" as you say, I just live in the real world. Feeling like you were in prison when going to school, means nothing since you don't know what it is actually like to actually be in something like a prison and going to school, its just normal childhood angst a lot of younger people feel, and most grow out of it at some point, and I know I had plenty of it. I spent a large portions of my childhood and all the way up into high school with much less than normal contact with society and some time stuck living in places with large groups of complete strangers, and in both situation with very little privacy or being able develop much in the way of normal social skills. So I know what having to go from one extreme to the next can be like, and it is not easy, took me many years to gain those social skills that people normally learn just by not being isolated. As a matter of fact even more than 15 years after the fact, being around groups of people I don't know can still on occasion bring on panic attacks, and let me tell you it isn't a fun thing to deal with. I can also say for certain that living in situations where every thing you do is being watched will not help society as it tends to cause people to become quite the opposite of you you think they will. Society in general and no matter the scale, only works if people are sociable, or it will just fall apart. We evolved as social beings, so it is in our nature whether or not you want to believe it.

I won't go any further in your conspiracy and big brother B.S, because I am sure you know whats best, considering your "strict Catholic private schooling" has obviously not effected you adversely in any way, and you somehow managed to turn out just fine.:rolleyes:

Anyhow I would like like to think that the things you posted were some sort of joke, but if not, as much as I don't agree with most of the things that go on in the psychiatric profession, I will make a rare exception in your case and suggest you go get some help before you actually spread your screwy ideas to any impressionable people.

Also I would have to say if the Sea Shepherds are involved with going to other countries and attacking whaling ships that are within their rights to do what they are doing, then YES they are terrorists, and should be treated as such by the people they attack, believe me, I won't shed a tear.:pfft:

"put the glasses on" was a reference to the movie "They Live" which was a symbolic representation of what is going on with the media and how it is used to brainwash people. The glasses allowed people to see the subliminal messages that the mainstream put out in print and on TV, which were used to control the populace. Today, we have the same thing in real life, basically. Look at the rap video phenomenon. Degrading the human spirit to care about nothing but money and sex, dumbing people down.

Some people can't AFFORD to have kids. A lot of people don't like to hear that because they believe it is their right to have children even when they can't pay for them, and then force the government to, in the form of welfare, ect, but it needs to be said. If you don't have the resources to raise a child in a quality way, providing for them all that they need to be successful in this world, I submit to you that they cannot afford to have kids. The world is overpopulated, and the proof is traffic on the freeway slowing traffic below 55 mph at any time of day, unless there is a massive accident on the road, obstructing it.
If people can't afford to have one parent stay at home, they can't afford to have kids, and so they shouldn't. That will bring the population down. The fact that it is more difficult now than it was 50 years ago for one parent to support a family is a worthwhile point, and should be addressed, but is basically beside the point.

Kids can meet other kids playing on sports teams, for example, and since childhood obesity is something that has been growing in prominence over the last two decades, I would say it would do them some benefit. There is Scouting, as well as all other sorts of clubs. There is no need for the torture of public schools in order to socialize people.
As far as my strict Catholic school, I was there two years before I moved. The Catholic part had nothing to do with the benefit. It was the strict part that was beneficial. That is where the cameras come in. I'm not saying stricter rules to start with, just an absolute enforcement of the ones that already exist.
I only went to said Catholic school for two years, and then, I agonized in public school. The Catholic school had nothing to do with any flaws I might have. It was all the public school, since I went to that from 4th grade until 12th.

I know the school system isn't about learning, because in the 2nd grade,after I had all of my regular work done, I saw a 7th grade reading workbook on the shelf and picked it up when the teacher wasn't looking. I found it fascinating, as it actually felt stimulating, like I was actually learning something. It was very exciting. Then... The teacher sees me with the book and says I can't read it. I say, I've got all my work done, I don't want credit, I just want to read it. I went back and forth with her three times. She still said no. I had to ask myself, why would I not be allowed to read this book? Simple. School isn't about learning, it is about turning people into workers, or sheep. I hated school after that. Fast forward to the 7th grade, when I was in math class. Math is the subject I hate the most, and I hated it SOO much, that I knew that there HAD to be an easier way to arrive at the answers. After much contemplation I theorized that perhaps multiplication could be achieved by starting with the big numbers on the left instead of the small numbers on the right. It worked! It was much faster and easier, too, as I found that I could do it all in my head, saving me the labor of using the pencil, sharpening it more often, ect. Such economy! So I turn in my homework assignment to my teacher, and she notices that there is no work done on the paper, only the final answer. I told her I did it all in my head and I could tell her how I did it. She told me to stay after class and explain it to her. I said, ok, with great anticipation. So I explain how I did it, and instead of the praise and the transformation of how math is taught in schools I was fantasizing about for the past 45 minutes or so, she says, "Well that's very interesting, but you can't do math that way, because then it looks like you used a calculator." I was so mad. I mean, really, a CALCULATOR? Like the one in my head?? *******. What is the point of taking math classes OSTENSIBLY about?? Learning math. Well, guess what? I already learned it, and not only that, I figured out how to do it BETTER than the school teaches it. So now, the school wants me to waste my time, that I could be using to draw, to actually IMPROVE myself and my skills as a person, or enjoy myself by watching my favorite TV shows at home?? BS. I lost ALL respect for school on that day. That was in 1982.
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I haven't read those authors, but I do recommend "A People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn, for the real story of the U.S.

The real story of the U.S.? You didn't listen to a word I said, and frankly, I don't believe you're capable.

Blackthornone said:
As far as totalitarianism, I'm just talking about cameras recording what goes on in schools the things that teachers and the school administration SHOULD be doing themselves, except that they are understaffed. So then, the children can always be held accountable for their actions according to the standards of discipline that already exist.
Nothing totalitarian about THAT.

What is totalitarian about your attitude is that you are clearly convinced that your moral code is the alpha and omega of how people should act, and that if they choose not to obey that which you consider to be right, then they should be made to. That is the simple ethical crux of every totalitarian movement since the dawn of time, and every one of your posts oozes exactly that persuasion of condescension.
The real story of the U.S.? You didn't listen to a word I said, and frankly, I don't believe you're capable.

What is totalitarian about your attitude is that you are clearly convinced that your moral code is the alpha and omega of how people should act, and that if they choose not to obey that which you consider to be right, then they should be made to. That is the simple ethical crux of every totalitarian movement since the dawn of time, and every one of your posts oozes exactly that persuasion of condescension.

I was referring to the story of the U.S. from the point of view of the common citizen, as opposed to from the point of view of the rich landowners who hold the power. The rich have a certain point of view as how things happened, and that is the point of view that is put across in the school system, because they want it that way.

I am convinced that if the school system is going to have rules of conduct, that they should be enforced uniformly and absolutely, otherwise, they aren't really rules, now are they? In order to enforce the rules, you must have absolute knowledge of when they are being broken, because again, if there are any instances of not knowing that people are breaking the rules, then the fact that those people get away with it means that there are no rules, or that the rules only apply to certain people, which again, means that there REALLY are no rules, whether the lack of enforcement of said rules is due to discretion or due to ignorance of those who are supposed to enforce them.
The totalitarianism I am talking about is the total enforcement of whatever rules have been made. As to what those rules are is a different question, as far as having cameras in the schools is concerned.