Lucas donates half his fortune to charity!

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1) Your obsession with the enforcement of rules--as a psychological phenomenon--is disturbing. Period.

2) Zinn was a fraud and a hack. The point of view of history's observers has zero effect upon the nature of those events. The reason why the point of view of 'the rich' is taught in schools is because that is what actually happened.

And who is 'they' that want it this way? I'm smelling Zionist lizard-men from Mars all over this...
1) Your obsession with the enforcement of rules--as a psychological phenomenon--is disturbing. Period.

2) Zinn was a fraud and a hack. The point of view of history's observers has zero effect upon the nature of those events. The reason why the point of view of 'the rich' is taught in schools is because that is what actually happened.

And who is 'they' that want it this way? I'm smelling Zionist lizard-men from Mars all over this...

Without rules, there is chaos, anarchy and destruction. The lack of rules paves the way for the destruction of all life as lack of order gradually whittles away the meaning and fulfillment that life can offer.

The THEY that want it this way are those who are in power. Those that have power want to keep it, and they want more. Throughout the centuries, there have been people who had families who had power that passed this power down. These people planned well enough so as to keep out of view. They were the power that directed the throne. Certainly, they wouldn't want to give up this power, so they devised a long term plan, which would be carried out over thousands of years, and one that keeps evolving as time goes by. They keep refining their methods of social control in order to make people more and more productive, for the benefit of these few in power. I think they are long term thinkers.
First it was the pharaohs who were supposed to be living gods, and people got tired of that, so they made up kings, who were the go between between man and God. Then people got tired of that, and so communism, socialism, and capitalism were invented, all towards the same end, which is the enslavement of all mankind. -Correction-the CONTINUED enslavement of all mankind. Why do I think this? Because Some people always want power and in every government that has ever existed, it has been to serve the purposes of the few at the expense of the many. It's human nature. Since human nature hasn't changed, I see no reason to believe that the ultimate agenda of ANY government is for anything but enslaving it's people. Hey, I'm a pessimist. Whether they are Zionist, or lizard men, or from Mars, or all of the above or none of the above doesn't matter.
Does it really matter WHO is controlling or enslaving people, or what they look like or where they are from. Not to me it doesn't. I admit that I did hear this theory postulated by other people on public radio, so I cannot take credit for it. However, knowing how much human beings like power, and also knowing that human nature has never changed (We'd all like to believe that it has changed for the better, but I think that to be naive and pollyanna), I have no reason to believe that it isn't the case, and in fact, I think it far more likely that it IS the case, because that's how people ARE.

Happiness comes from peace. Peace comes from harmony. Harmony comes from order. Order comes from rules. Ergo = Happiness comes from rules.

Of course, the only valid rules are the ones consistent with peace, harmony and order. Happiness is consistency with peace, harmony and order. Of course, I am referring to absolute peace, harmony and order, since to have a definition, it must be as definite, or concise as possible and thus must be as absolute as possible, and so it must be absolute peace, harmony and order.
To the degree something is consistent with peace harmony and order, it will give oneself true happiness, and to the degree it it inconsistent with peace, harmony and happiness, it will cause suffering.
Most people usually feel RELATIVE happiness to be happiness, as when something is only relatively consistent with harmony. That means that something will be harmonious with, or like, something already inside oneself, like a feeling, and because that thing is LIKE what one already feels inside oneself it will be PERCEIVED as making one feel happy, because relatively speaking, it does, even though it is not consistent with peace or order.
And so, the more that rules are consistent with enforcing peace, harmony, and order, (simultaneously that is)the more that those are beneficial rules. Obviously, the more inconsistent with those things rules are, the worse those rules are, and the more they support an oppressive government.
Absolute enforcement of rules isn't a problem per se, it is only which rules that being enforced at all that can be a problem.
There could be absolute rules that say if you don't breathe once a day, or if you don't drink water in some form once a month, you will be executed, and that would apply to everyone. No problem. That rule could be enforced, and no one's freedom would be infringed upon, ever. Basically, beneficial rules protect the absolute highest quality of life for the most people.

Which brings us back to video cameras in schools. I knew of a guy in high school who weighed maybe 98 pounds and was about 5 foot 5. He kept to himself mostly, and minded his own business, and was very socially awkward, but was still a good kid. He never started any trouble. There was another guy who was about 235 pounds, 6 foot 3, who was picking on this smaller kid on a regular basis. He was kicking him against the brick wall of the gym, throwing him against it, pushing him against it, and punching him, and slapping him around. The smaller kid didn't do anything to the bigger kid. This was going on for weeks or months. At least a couple times a week I think. I actually saw it once, so I know.
The smaller kid went to the administration for help, and they did nothing. I think he may have gone to them for help 3 times. I guess they didn't think this was important enough to look into.

This was probably the greatest injustice in the school for the past year or two, and they did nothing. One day, the smaller kid comes to school with a .22 semi-automatic pistol. The bully confronted him as usual, and then the smaller kid pulled the gun. Somehow, the gun got dropped and it didn't go off, so no one got hurt. I think perhaps the big guy didn't even push the smaller guy around that day. The result was that the smaller guy got expelled and the bigger guy got one or two week suspension. That was wrong. If anything, the big guy should have been expelled, to some high school with Mexican gangs ( No offense to Mexicans, but they are abut the only kind of gangs around here) and then let the big bully try to start his shenanigans there. The smaller kid shouldn't have been expelled, IMO. He just needed help. No one would help him, and he had to go to school. ( I suspect he had a strict father who would hit him if he didn't go, but this is just speculation. ) If there were video cameras, then all of the bullying would have been documented, and the bully would have gotten what he deserved, and the smaller kid would never have been driven to such a desperate act.
THAT is one of the reasons why we NEED video cameras in public schools.
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This may be "something" to us, but for a multi-millionaire (billionaire, even?), what's a loss of half his fortune? :dunno If may be so bold, this is a very "comfortable" donation, since Lucas knows he is filthy rich he can easily do this.

Some people get off on chaos and violence for the sake of "freedom". I get off on justice and rules for the sake of peace, justice, and protecting the innocent.
I don't like bean counting when it comes to people's safety. Some people think that by allowing certain things that MOST people handle ok, but only a few don't, and then end up hurting or killing other people because of this permissiveness, it is an an acceptable trade-off. I don't. They think it's ok until someone THEY know gets hurt or killed because of the permissiveness, or lack of rules, but as long as it happens to someone they don't know, it's A-ok, because it doesn't really affect their lives. My, what civil minded individuals. They believe in evil, because they allow it to happen because of inadequate rules.

There are certain "freedoms" that only evil people are interested in having, protecting, or allowing. Those are the things that are detrimental to human life. Enforcing just rules absolutely would only stop evil people from committing evil acts. Who would object to such rules?

I like the Jedi, GI JOE and Super Heroes because they enforce the rules, and promote justice and order.

It's funny how people want justice, but not TOO much justice. :rotfl
TOO much justice would inhibit their "freedom". Everybody likes justice until their OWN bad habits or inclinations are threatened. As long as it's other people's, it's ok with them. I realize that it is the sum total of all people committing the particular type of evil act that they prefer, with almost an infinite array of same, that ultimately causes all of the problems in the world. Therefore, I think that no evil acts can be allowed. It's almost impossible to objectively determine which evil acts can be allowed, therefore you need to eliminate ALL evil acts in the world, in order to be fair to everyone. Only then can all the world's suffering be eliminated, and we can finally achieve world peace. I really think that eliminating all suffering is a good goal, basically no matter what the cost.
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I really think that eliminating all suffering is a good goal, basically no matter what the cost.

Did you lose someone close to you at the hands of a criminal? I hope you can realize that you're sounding a bit like Anakin in ROTS. A common thread of most "evil" leaders is a belief that the ends justify the means. Is that what you're advocating? I'm guessing not based on your references to Jedi and GI Joe, but otherwise it sure sounds like it.
Did you lose someone close to you at the hands of a criminal? I hope you can realize that you're sounding a bit like Anakin in ROTS. A common thread of most "evil" leaders is a belief that the ends justify the means. Is that what you're advocating? I'm guessing not based on your references to Jedi and GI Joe, but otherwise it sure sounds like it.

You raise an excellent question. What I meant by no matter the cost was in terms of the sacrifices people would have to make in terms of abandoning any acts, habits, businesses, ect. that involve evil. If people have to be less "excited" or "entertained", or their businesses are less profitable during the time that they transition to a more life affirming lifestyle, then that is what I am referring to. I am not referring to the use of violent acts in order to secure, peace, because that would be hypocritical. You can't get there from here. Frankly, people who use violence to secure peace just end up looking ridiculous, because of the hypocrisy involved, and thus, they lose their credibility as a result.
I can't believe that the mods allow this guy to continually derail threads, while spewing forth such ideological sewage?!

:gah: :offtopic: :dunno
Leave Khev alone, LOTR! :mad:


I can't believe that the mods allow this guy to continually derail threads...

I don't recall him derailing any threads in the Joe section. I just assumed he or a loved one had suffered some tragedy to cause such extreme views.

Leave Khev alone, LOTR! :mad:

LOTRFan is about to get a 12-gauge to the face. :lecture

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I can't believe that the mods allow this guy to continually derail threads, while spewing forth such ideological sewage?!

:gah: :offtopic: :dunno

The topic of this thread IS ideology, and not any Sideshow product, nor even any particular Star Wars subject. The thread would have died anyway, had I not brought up my objection to how he proposes to spend his money on education, and how it would be best served for the school system, which is to put in cameras to provide better security, to provide a safer environment for all the students, something that is very much on topic.
Clearly, you disagree, because you like violence against other people and like to see them suffer, as evidenced by the pro wrestling clip in your posts. That stuff is a degradation of humanity aimed mainly at the lowest common denominator of society who cares more about excitement and adrenaline than they do about their fellow human beings. It's not as bad as that UFC nonsense, but it's still half naked men rolling around on the ground together, getting on top of each other, slapping them around. At least pro wrestling isn't REAL, but it is still an abomination of the human spirit. I know where you are coming from. If you like that stuff there is NO WAY could could possibly like what I have to say about this. Anyone who really likes pro wrestling probably can't stand the idea of idealism, or the end of human suffering and peace on Earth. THAT would get in the way of "fun".
Although I must admit that I DO enjoy watching FEMALE mud and oil wrestling, which is more real.:D
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I don't recall him derailing any threads in the Joe section. I just assumed he or a loved one had suffered some tragedy to cause such extreme views.

LOTRFan is about to get a 12-gauge to the face. :lecture


I've experienced enough bad things from other people to see the dark side of humanity to such a degree to know what human beings are capable of, and to know that violence is a bigger problem in the world than other people like to think. I realize that people who HAVEN'T seen or experienced such violence take safety for granted as in their experience there really isn't that much danger in the world, and can't possibly see how extreme measures would be necessary or even reasonable in order to make the world safe enough.
When a notion of cameras all over a school are brought up, they think," man, that's waaayy too extreme. That really isn't necessary." THAT'S because THEY haven't tasted violence against them strongly enough, and they take their own safety for granted. This problem is a bigger problem than many people realize, because it is an ignorance or a naivety that in effect allows bad things to happen to people when those things could be prevented, only because they believe that those things won't actually happen, because those things have never happened to them or anyone they care about. Is it unfortunate that such measures would have to be done to ensure safety? Yes, but it is better than the alternative of NOT having them, and that is what some people do not understand. Those people are living in a dream world of ignorance.
It sucks when safety is taken for granted. Arguably, it is bad when anything is taken for granted, but people who have never experienced any given thing to a strong enough degree will NEVER understand it. They can speculate, but they will never really understand until they get a strong enough of a taste. I would like to see people spared that, but other people don't know enough about it to know that it would be important to protect people. Perhaps some people think that just because those bad events are rare and only happens to a FEW people means that it doesn't matter, ergo those people don't matter, and so they would rather have maximum opportunity to experience certain things because they assume that their degree of involvement or how much they are affected by it will always be under control. They feel that to have stringent rules against it will deprive them. Why do they want to experience anything? Ultimately, to know and understand it. However, when you know and understand destruction and violence well enough, you realize that it isn't fun. The fun was in the learning process. Learning is always fun. Some people just take a lot longer to learn. Once you learn, you lose all taste for violence as entertainment.
It is an ignorant state of mind to like any sort of violence.
I like the Jedi, GI JOE and Super Heroes because they enforce the rules, and promote justice and order.

You can claim to like all of these things, then you say this...

Clearly, you disagree, because you like violence against other people and like to see them suffer, as evidenced by the pro wrestling clip in your posts. That stuff is a degradation of humanity aimed mainly at the lowest common denominator of society who cares more about excitement and adrenaline than they do about their fellow human beings. It's not as bad as that UFC nonsense, but it's still half naked men rolling around on the ground together, getting on top of each other, slapping them around. At least pro wrestling isn't REAL, but it is still an abomination of the human spirit.

All this justice you talk about is brought about through violence, fake violence, but what is worse, "half naked men rolling around on the ground together, getting on top of each other, slapping them around" as you put it, or guys shooting and killing each other or cutting people up with light sabers. So if you enjoy the one and call the less violent of them an abomination then I guess that makes you a hypocrite.:rolleyes:
You can claim to like all of these things, then you say this...

All this justice you talk about is brought about through violence, fake violence, but what is worse, "half naked men rolling around on the ground together, getting on top of each other, slapping them around" as you put it, or guys shooting and killing each other or cutting people up with light sabers. So if you enjoy the one and call the less violent of them an abomination then I guess that makes you a hypocrite.:rolleyes:

That is an interesting point. The answer is that there is a difference between using violence as a last resort to solve disputes, or rather, to DEFEND others or yourself because all other avenues have failed, and admiring the courage that those who act selflessly risking their lives in order to protect others using violence because it's the only means available, and using violence for the SAKE of violence, for "entertainment" just to hurt other people, or even for money, ect, because one lacks compassion for other human beings, because that person LIKES violence.
GI JOE, Superheroes, and the Jedi don't do violence for it's own sake. They put themselves on the line to help others, and use violence as a last resort. This is especially evident in the philosophy of the Jedi. Putting yourself on the line and using violence only because you have no other choice is called heroism.
Actively SEEKING to engage in violence for it's own sake, or for "excitement", or "fun" or money is evil.

To me, it isn't so much the action in Superheroes, GI JOE, or the Jedi that I enjoy, but the the fact that they PROTECT people in such a powerful and decisive way that I admire.
Clearly, you disagree, because you like violence against other people and like to see them suffer, as evidenced by the pro wrestling clip in your posts. That stuff is a degradation of humanity aimed mainly at the lowest common denominator of society who cares more about excitement and adrenaline than they do about their fellow human beings. It's not as bad as that UFC nonsense, but it's still half naked men rolling around on the ground together, getting on top of each other, slapping them around. At least pro wrestling isn't REAL, but it is still an abomination of the human spirit. I know where you are coming from. If you like that stuff there is NO WAY could could possibly like what I have to say about this. Anyone who really likes pro wrestling probably can't stand the idea of idealism, or the end of human suffering and peace on Earth. THAT would get in the way of "fun".
Although I must admit that I DO enjoy watching FEMALE mud and oil wrestling, which is more real.:D

You really are a complete moron aren't you!? :gah: :dunno :gah:

You are going to label me with a blanket statement that I love violence, hate my fellow man and want to see humanity degraded because I have a gif of a VERY FAKE clip from professional wrestling? :lol :rotfl :lol Perhaps you need to look again at what exactly is transpiring there. For the record I can't even remember when the last time was that I even watched professional "wrestling," I just thought the gif was funny. Please refrain from allegations that my signature equates me with those cheering in ancient Rome. :impatient:

What is alarming however is how you take pleasure in making very broad generalizations (in every thread you post in - from MARVEL to vegatarianism); all the while spewing forth your ignorant putrescence about how the world according to a simple-minded intellectual juvenile should be constructed.
Can't say I've read anything of the last few days here in the pews, but I'm curious as to when George Lucas ever said anything about giving his money to fund public education? :dunno
Some people. :monkey4,1518,710972,00.html

SPIEGEL: Forty super wealthy Americans have just announced that they would donate half of their assets, at the very latest after their deaths. As a person who often likes to say that rich people should be asked to contribute more to society, what were your first thoughts?

Krämer: I find the US initiative highly problematic. You can write donations off in your taxes to a large degree in the USA. So the rich make a choice: Would I rather donate or pay taxes? The donors are taking the place of the state. That's unacceptable.

SPIEGEL: But doesn't the money that is donated serve the common good?

Krämer: It is all just a bad transfer of power from the state to billionaires. So it's not the state that determines what is good for the people, but rather the rich want to decide. That's a development that I find really bad. What legitimacy do these people have to decide where massive sums of money will flow?

SPIEGEL: It is their money at the end of the day.

Krämer: In this case, 40 superwealthy people want to decide what their money will be used for. That runs counter to the democratically legitimate state. In the end the billionaires are indulging in hobbies that might be in the common good, but are very personal.

SPIEGEL: Do the donations also have to do with the fact that the idea of state and society is such different one in the United States?

Krämer: Yes, one cannot forget that the US has a desolate social system and that alone is reason enough that donations are already a part of everyday life there. But it would have been a greater deed on the part of Mr. Gates or Mr. Buffet if they had given the money to small communities in the US so that they can fulfil public duties.