Pix - again, the facts you're referring to are in question. You're referring to Valerie Plame's husband Joe Wilson. Joe Wilson is a confimed liar, not even a suspected one. I suggest you read Christopher Hitchen's article on Joe Wilson and his fact finding mission to Niger. And Mr. Hitchens is not exactly a conservative.
Again, as hoodonit proved, there were COUNTLESS sources , both foreign and domestic, that believed Iraq had WMD's. Hillary Clinton and countless Dems heard the exact same reports that Pres. Bush did and drew the exact same conclusions. Only when things began going badly and they found it politically expedient did they start singing a different tune.
And again, IMHO, the reason the president chose to take out Saddam (aside from the 17 UN resolutions that he ignored), was he could not take the chance that the WMD's he was believed to possess, might make their way into the hands of al Qaida or some other terrorist group. It was a chance he wasn't willing to take. People forget that almost 3000 lives were lost under the president's watch. Believe what you want about him, but I believe that he deterined that it would never happen again while he was in office.