I'm pretty conservative too hoodonit.
You all are entititled to you beliefs, as I am to mine.
Lest we forget, it's not just President Obama, it would be President Barack Hussein Obama.
With Lucas' level of crap output these days, I'm not surprised to see him endorse the worse U.S. Presidential nominee since Jimmy Carter.
What time does this thread get locked?
I read alot of what you posted as a pride in his African heritage and I don't see anything wrong with that. I also think that many people who have parents of different races can have a difficult time in finding themselves. It may be that he experienced discrimination from both races and felt that he would be better to align himself with one as opposed to being alienated by both. As a white person I don't think I can ever understand what it is like to be a minority in this country, and I don't think it is fair or right to judge a person's comments without understanding where they are coming from.
As for his comment about Muslims, I don't know what he means by that. But one thing that comes to mind is that he could be saying should the tone in the country move against Islam and its followers to the point that they are being discriminated against that he will stand with them. Should anyone's freedom of religion in this country be threatened I will stand with that religion myself based on the prinicples that this country was based on, which I believe strongly in.
What time does this thread get locked?
...He is the one that has reached across the aisle and united people, working with Democrats time and again at the cost of alienating a lot of people. How can anyone attack the character and integrity of a man who spent an extra five years in a Vietnamese prison camp when he was offered a release, but wouldn't abandon his men? He and his wife adopted his daughter from Mother Theresa's orphanage in Bangladesh and raised her as their own. He has been at the forefront of cutting pork barrel spending. He was very outspoken against the way the war was run. He wants a health care insurance program that uses free enterprise to lower prices.
Say what you want about the man, but he doesn't "belong" to anyone and he has the experience that the country needs.
I just wanna know what exactly split this country up so divisively in the past few years? It never used to be this bad. I hate politics so much.
He wants larger government that can reach into your home.
He thinks we keep our homes too hot and too cool. We eat too much and use too much fuel.
He talks about being a uniter but attends a pro black church. (And I've listened to the entire sermons not just the sound bytes. Wright is a racist and anti American.)
Obama started his political career outside the house of his friend Bill Ayers of the weather underground who thought bombing things was political protest.
He associates himself with people like this and he runs on how good his judgment is.
He has never 'reached across the aisle' rather stayed steadfastly to the left. The most left member of the senate according to the national review (Non partisan organization) based on his voting record.
In an age where China is flexing its muscles, Russia is stirring and the president of Iran wants Israel eradicated, he wants to back off the military.
He wants to talk with Ahmadinejad, and tell him what? What power of persuasion is going to make him change his mind and recognize Israel and convince him America is not the great Satan.
He wants to make Universal health care operate through the government. I just spent 2 1/2 hours in line at the government run inspection station.
He wants to give cash to college students and have them work it off in community service which would require more bureaucracy to make sure they actually do it.
He wants to confiscate profits from companies that he thinks make too much.
He considers rich people to be those making over $75,000/ year.
By his own admission he would repeal the tax cuts that have lead to record government revenue to make it more 'fair' in a country where 40% of the population pays NO income tax. This would LOWER the amount government brings in at the same time he is increasing spending.
He wants eliminate insurance company policies that charge more to people with pre existing conditions. Isn't that the point of insurance? To cover yourself BEFORE you need it?
Most of the time he has been a senator he has spent campaigning for president.
I think McCain has his head up his butt on immigration and global warming.
He is the one that has reached across the aisle and united people, working with Democrats time and again at the cost of alienating a lot of people. How can anyone attack the character and integrity of a man who spent an extra five years in a Vietnamese prison camp when he was offered a release, but wouldn't abandon his men? He and his wife adopted his daughter from Mother Theresa's orphanage in Bangladesh and raised her as their own. He has been at the forefront of cutting pork barrel spending. He was very outspoken against the way the war was run. He wants a health care insurance program that uses free enterprise to lower prices.
Say what you want about the man, but he doesn't "belong" to anyone and he has the experience that the country needs.
What time does KitFisto get here?
Which way will KitFisto go on this issue?
this country has always been divided. we just didn't have the internet and 24 hour news channels in the old days to tell us how evil republicans are.
you're probably too young to recall the stories about ronald regan sneaking out of the white house to steal food from the homeless, infecting blacks with AIDS and making them smoke crack.
I did not know Jeremiah Wright was a fellow Freak! Welcome aboard Reverend!![]()