1/6 Luke Skywalker: Red Five X-Wing Pilot Sixth Scale Figure

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Hoth Luke isn't the best comparison to make at this point; HT Han is. Luke has the better portrait, but much weaker accessories. Costumes are comparable.
Portrait quality is no reason for a mark up. A new body should bring them up to par with the True Type and a mark up for less then or equivalent is bull as well. Assuming all else (licensing and manufacturing costs, production quality) being equal, Luke should cost less than Han.

:goodpost::exactly: quoting myself:

The point was not the price itself but the fact that is completely out of any perspective: SSC Vader may be distant in time but Hoth Luke from the same company is out now with tons of stuff for 40$ less; and HT Solo (made by the-used to be-most expensive company in the market and manufactured in the same licensing conditions) will be 10$ less with 10 hands (vs 5), 1 blaster (vs 0), 1 extra headgear (vs 1 helmet) and a more detailed base.
The HT/SSC cost gap has been shrinking more and more recently, which is troubling for someone interested in SSC's 1/6 scale products. I took issue with their Joes going for upwards of $130-150 when HT could put out their Platoon figures for about $160-170, but now we're getting products priced the same, or with SSC even charging more? Of course, there is the fact that they are producing different characters, or figures from different lines (the Marvel and DC comic stuff is SSC's sole domain, SSC focuses on less current, cult films while HT focuses on the hyped up superhero movie stuff) but it's still a tough pill to swallow. If their Jason figures are $220 or so I'm definitely going to think twice, despite the fact that I would love updated figures.
Yep, it's not a "cannot afford" or "essentials vs hobby" argument in regards to the price tag. It's a nice figure but it's just a heck of a price jump for seemingly no reason. As I mentioned before, the doggone Probot is $250.00, with lights, sound and composed of parts that SSC can never re-use. Plus they're charging a premium when their track record on human likenesses is horrible. They have yet to deliver even one at HT quality, so it makes sense that collectors are sceptical that SSC can deliver. At $240.00, most people are not going to tolerate Luke coming out distorted and bloated, like Drake.

The HT/SSC cost gap has been shrinking more and more recently, which is troubling for someone interested in SSC's 1/6 scale products. I took issue with their Joes going for upwards of $130-150 when HT could put out their Platoon figures for about $160-170, but now we're getting products priced the same, or with SSC even charging more? Of course, there is the fact that they are producing different characters, or figures from different lines (the Marvel and DC comic stuff is SSC's sole domain, SSC focuses on less current, cult films while HT focuses on the hyped up superhero movie stuff) but it's still a tough pill to swallow. If their Jason figures are $220 or so I'm definitely going to think twice, despite the fact that I would love updated figures.
I was thinking last night that a higher price point in their horror line would be OK, so long as they deliver something truly exceptional. There's so much middle ground between their previous horror releases and stuff like Beto's. Would be nice to see them go all out on the clothing, sculpt, paint and accessories, so mainstream collectors could get those pieces and not have them be so ghetto compared to what the customizers are offering.
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I have no idea either, but I watched 3,000 BB Scarecrows last forever. Might have been more made, but OK 5,000. That's tons less than the 25,000-35,000 Sideshow was pulling at $50-$60.

I'm guessing HT made 5,000-7,500 Bespin Lukes. And they clearly made too many. Plenty around for years. Niche.

With these new prices, I gotta think the edition size is 3,000 - 5,000. Vader might command more.

I don't think Sideshow ever produced Star Wars figures in those numbers... I believe some of the mass market 1/6 Horror figures were, but irrc Bespin Han was one of the larger ES and he was a total of 10,000 (2K ex and 8k regular). But, by the time ANH Han the ES was 4977 figures. So again, I can see the price going up as they make fewer figures, and with inflation and even licensing fees (as DD has chimed in) but still hard to swallow this figure, at this price with such a limited amount of accessories.

And maybe he's really only $40 overpriced; which is a fart in the wind in this hobby, but at some point it just feels like too much. For me $240 for bare-bones Luke hits it. I still want him, but I will wait for a deal or get a regular one used. I can live w/o the gloves even though I almost always buy exclusives.

What about him is not at HT's level?

I'm not defending the price - but this is the most expensive license they've ever had and that contributes a lot to the pricing.

Everything in the proto is... but Sideshow has yet to release a figure as good as their proto or as good as a comparable HT release. The get many things right, but invariably there are one or two major issues. Knees that don't bend, distorted sculpts, sub-par paint, etc. etc. If Sideshow could release a final product at the level of HT I'd still be annoyed by the price, but at least could accept it. But to buy a figure I will most likely (based on their track record) have to make some modifications to after I get it and still pay $240 is just not cool.

Maybe we'll get lucky and Sideshow will finally tighten up production... but any company that could release that Drake figure does not have my confidence.

About 2 years ago it was renegotiated with a much higher license fee.

That's useful to know, thanks Dave :duff

The overall consensus was that the Chewy price was very decent.

Yeah, I was expecting a total reaming on his price... but was pleasantly surprised. Han's a bit over-priced but I was figuring I'd be out at least $550 on the pair and would have ridiculous money to get Chewy; so all in all happy with him.
Or giant novelty hands.

Yep, it's not a "cannot afford" or "essentials vs hobby" argument in regards to the price tag. It's a nice figure but it's just a heck of a price jump for seemingly no reason. As I mentioned before, the doggone Probot is $250.00, with lights, sound and composed of parts that SSC can never re-use. Plus they're charging a premium when their track record on human likenesses is horrible. They have yet to deliver even one at HT quality, so it makes sense that collectors are sceptical that SSC can deliver. At $240.00, most people are not going to tolerate Luke coming out distorted and bloated, like Drake.

I was thinking last night that a higher price point in their horror line would be OK, so long as they deliver something truly exceptional. There's so much middle ground between their previous horror releases and stuff like Beto's. Would be nice to see them go all out on the clothing, sculpt, paint and accessories, so mainstream collectors could get those pieces and not have them be so ghetto compared to what the customizers are offering.

I don't think Sideshow ever produced Star Wars figures in those numbers... I believe some of the mass market 1/6 Horror figures were, but irrc Bespin Han was one of the larger ES and he was a total of 10,000 (2K ex and 8k regular). But, by the time ANH Han the ES was 4977 figures. So again, I can see the price going up as they make fewer figures, and with inflation and even licensing fees (as DD has chimed in) but still hard to swallow this figure, at this price with such a limited amount of accessories.

And maybe he's really only $40 overpriced; which is a fart in the wind in this hobby, but at some point it just feels like too much. For me $240 for bare-bones Luke hits it. I still want him, but I will wait for a deal or get a regular one used. I can live w/o the gloves even though I almost always buy exclusives.

Everything in the proto is... but Sideshow has yet to release a figure as good as their proto or as good as a comparable HT release. The get many things right, but invariably there are one or two major issues. Knees that don't bend, distorted sculpts, sub-par paint, etc. etc. If Sideshow could release a final product at the level of HT I'd still be annoyed by the price, but at least could accept it. But to buy a figure I will most likely (based on their track record) have to make some modifications to after I get it and still pay $240 is just not cool.

Maybe we'll get lucky and Sideshow will finally tighten up production... but any company that could release that Drake figure does not have my confidence.

That's useful to know, thanks Dave :duff

Yeah, I was expecting a total reaming on his price... but was pleasantly surprised. Han's a bit over-priced but I was figuring I'd be out at least $550 on the pair and would have ridiculous money to get Chewy; so all in all happy with him.

Very well said. I think those are key points. Sideshow needed to prove that they can deliver a $240 figure before they started charging for it. Everything they have given us up to this point is absolutely not worth $240, especially compared with what HT can deliver for the same price and even less!

Geez, I've been whittling down my list of wants for the past 4 years or so when prices crept over $100. I had a list of absolute must-haves, with a second level of figures that I want and would probably get if I happen to have the money readily available. Now I have to get rid of that second level altogether if figures are now $240+. I thought the biker scout was pushing it at $190! I ended up pre-ordering it with a $20 coupon, but I would definitely pass on it if it was $240, just like I'll have to pass on this and any other Luke in the future.
I don't think Sideshow ever produced Star Wars figures in those numbers... I believe some of the mass market 1/6 Horror figures were, but irrc Bespin Han was one of the larger ES and he was a total of 10,000 (2K ex and 8k regular). But, by the time ANH Han the ES was 4977 figures. So again, I can see the price going up as they make fewer figures, and with inflation and even licensing fees (as DD has chimed in) but still hard to swallow this figure, at this price with such a limited amount of accessories.

I could swear I remember a 15,000 unit figure early on. But I can not prove it. But SS did learn quickly that high volume didn't equal more sales and the price started rising very fast. Bespin Han was only Figure #5 and already prices were on the rise. Seems like this forum has always been discussing the price increase on figures.

If I told you in 2007 that you'd be handing over $200+ on figures now you would have laughed at me.

So here's a prediction: we'll be paying $400+ in 5 years for one figure.
I could swear I remember a 15,000 unit figure early on. But I can not prove it. But SS did learn quickly that high volume didn't equal more sales and the price started rising very fast. Bespin Han was only Figure #5 and already prices were on the rise. Seems like this forum has always been discussing the price increase on figures.

If I told you in 2007 that you'd be handing over $200+ on figures now you would have laughed at me.

So here's a prediction: we'll be paying $400+ in 5 years for one figure.

:lol So very true!

The second part is probably also true. :(
Everyone send an email to customer service to protest the inflation !! I just did it, probably useless but it felt good!
So here's a prediction: we'll be paying $400+ in 5 years for one figure.

Speak for yourself.

I won't. I'm officially done. Chewie, R2 and 3PO will be my last figures unless the prices reverse, or I hit the lottery. Prices have gotten out of hand.
If I told you in 2007 that you'd be handing over $200+ on figures now you would have laughed at me.

So here's a prediction: we'll be paying $400+ in 5 years for one figure.

The first part is true. The second part will not be happening with me and my money. No chance.

I think what I'm going to do is order this figure one day and then cancel the next checkmarking "Price" as the reason for cancellation. I will do this everyday for the next year until he comes out.
I could swear I remember a 15,000 unit figure early on. But I can not prove it. But SS did learn quickly that high volume didn't equal more sales and the price started rising very fast. Bespin Han was only Figure #5 and already prices were on the rise. Seems like this forum has always been discussing the price increase on figures.

If I told you in 2007 that you'd be handing over $200+ on figures now you would have laughed at me.

So here's a prediction: we'll be paying $400+ in 5 years for one figure.
I'll take that bet, Wor-Gar. Unless we get pre-WWII Germany style inflation, I'll confidently say there is no way human figures will be going for $400.00 a pop, five years from now. There is an upper threashold at which the vast majority of collectors will just reason the product isn't worth the investment and I'd say we're reaching it about now. Just because prices rose three or four fold in the last seven years, doesn't mean that it continues at the same rate over time like clockwork. Those price raises were accompanied by a massive increase in quality. Any future improvements will be subtle and incremental in comparison. Also, those improvements can be implemented at the existing price point. We'll see who has bragging rights in 2019!
I could swear I remember a 15,000 unit figure early on. But I can not prove it. But SS did learn quickly that high volume didn't equal more sales and the price started rising very fast. Bespin Han was only Figure #5 and already prices were on the rise. Seems like this forum has always been discussing the price increase on figures.

If I told you in 2007 that you'd be handing over $200+ on figures now you would have laughed at me.

So here's a prediction: we'll be paying $400+ in 5 years for one figure.

Nah, the market will collapse in on itself before then. Same way the collectible action figure market of the late 90's/early 2000's, the baseball card market and the comic book market did. I'm honestly surprised it hasn't happened already. It's shocking to me the prices people are willing to pay. Hell, maybe you're right, maybe they will pay $400. :dunno