1/6 Luke Skywalker: Red Five X-Wing Pilot Sixth Scale Figure

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But isn't that simply because of new movies (and the massive advertising dollar/visibility support,) meaning WAY more income from the licence? Meaning prices shouldn't necessarily rise hugely (which they already have) because in theory you sell way more product? There hasn't been any mainline Star Wars releases since SSC first got the licence.

It's like saying you pay a certain amount for an Indy merchandising licence in 2002 with nothing to support it, then are somehow surprised it is a lot more in 2007 with a new Indy movie a year or so away and everyone hungry for Indy merchandise :)lol or so they thought.)

That's not how it works. If they have to give 80% of the income from each figure to Lucasfilm/Disney - they have to charge more in order for it to make sense to produce anything.

And this wild speculation about price gouging or collusion of any kind is really, really misguided.
Yeah I thought the whole holdup with HT was because Disney diversified the license and there was no need for sub licensing any more, so collusion is not a factor. Everyone pays their own pound of flesh to Disney.

This is a cool looking figure. Unfortunate price to swallow though. Say it ain't so SS!

If prices go up, people complain and then move on. It's when they go up... and up... and up... that "whining" becomes absolutely appropriate.

Complaining over the rising cost of necessities such as food, utilities, gasoline, etc. is tolerable and applicable. Complaining over the increasing cost of collectibles isn't, IMO.

One we need the other we don't.

NOTHING else I spend money on, clothes, electronics etc has increased with that large a price jump, Christ if anything retail prices have come down. But SSC gets away with it?

Clothes & electronics don't have licensing fees. :lol

I think the difference is that people used to whine about the price but place a PO anyway, whereas it seems that more and more people whining then passing. I think collectors are also keeping one eye on where the SW line might go from here (especially with a lot of figures looking at potential upgrades) and lamenting the unaffordable cost of assembling a display that would've been within their budget in previous years.

First world problems. :lol

I don't like the rising cost of collectibles anymore than anyone else. I've always said that I would be priced out of this hobby.
That's not how it works. If they have to give 80% of the income from each figure to Lucasfilm/Disney - they have to charge more in order for it to make sense to produce anything.

And this wild speculation about price gouging or collusion of any kind is really, really misguided.


Wild speculation is all people have. Like assuming that 80% goes to Disney/Lucasfilm.
I think the difference is that people used to whine about the price but place a PO anyway, whereas it seems that more and more people whining then passing. I think collectors are also keeping one eye on where the SW line might go from here (especially with a lot of figures looking at potential upgrades) and lamenting the unaffordable cost of assembling a display that would've been within their budget in previous years.

That is where the anger is coming from. I think 1/6 collectors are mentally geared to buy a more diverse and larger amount of product. Prices going up to PF territory limits them from doing the thing they are geared to do. This Luke figure puts that fact into perspective. Sideshow is no longer the cheaper alternative therefor making SW 1/6 an expensive proposition no matter who the producer is.
Darth snoopy. You are , of course correct. But .....

It's the other costs than are pricing people out of the hobby. It's such a shame that there are some awesome figures out there now that I don't even consider getting because of all the other things. And of course the other things I, like others, have given up on like fast cars etc etc
Darth snoopy. You are , of course correct. But .....

It's the other costs than are pricing people out of the hobby. It's such a shame that there are some awesome figures out there now that I don't even consider getting because of all the other things. And of course the other things I, like others, have given up on like fast cars etc etc

Agreed. It sucks to have to pass on things that would be cool to add to my collection but other things are more important and necessary.

I agree that it's a shame. This hobby provides joy to many people, myself included.
The point was not the price itself but the fact that is completely out of any perspective: SSC Vader may be distant in time but Hoth Luke from the same company is out now with tons of stuff for 40$ less; and HT Solo (made by the-used to be-most expensive company in the market and manufactured in the same licensing conditions) will be 10$ less with 10 hands (vs 5), 1 blaster (vs 0), 1 extra headgear (vs 1 helmet) and a more detailed base.
I would imagine the increase is due to the introduction of Hot Toys. I would guess that Sideshow have quite a few pre-order cancellations since the reveal of the Han, Chewbacca and Stormtroopers. They may view it as more profitable to target the completionist rather than the market if they are not guaranteed sales. Shame though as I would have got this figure if it was more reasonable. I am sure, just like Grievous and Bossk, this will find a way into my collection at a more palatable price at a later date.
I guess they really really really need to recuperate from the losses on the defective Vaders...

I'm not getting this one, looks like the last SSC product I will ever buy will be the Probe Droid. At times I feel the Kool-aid is strong with this part of the forum but I guess Sideshow made an extremely bad decision this time. :lol
That's not how it works. If they have to give 80% of the income from each figure to Lucasfilm/Disney - they have to charge more in order for it to make sense to produce anything.

And this wild speculation about price gouging or collusion of any kind is really, really misguided.

However the math works, however the suits do what suits do, I just think this Luke X-Wing release will be long remembered by people here and not in a good way - watersheds, straws that broke camel's backs, lines that were crossed...:lol

Like I said - I'm with Sideshow to the bitter end... but they aren't making this easy.

And I'm not yelling "price gouging" but I will ask what appears to be the absolutely outrageously better value of these two pre-order SSC figures:

1. Hoth Luke for $200... with THREE headsculpts, two with full headgear and scarf (incl ex,) TWO lightsabers (lit/unlit,) blaster, full leather gun belt/holster, binoculars, intricate (and likely non-reusable) outfit with goggles

2. X-Wing Luke for $240... with ONE headsculpt, a (reusable) helmet, (reusable) flightsuit/webbing/chestpack/vest

That's not how it works. If they have to give 80% of the income from each figure to Lucasfilm/Disney - they have to charge more in order for it to make sense to produce anything.

And this wild speculation about price gouging or collusion of any kind is really, really misguided.

Is Hot Toys not being charged his astronomical licensing fee?
Damn just saw all this...

what the hell is Sideshow doing? at least it seems like theres a new body type... makes me hopeful theyll fix Jango fett
Hoth Luke isn't the best comparison to make at this point; HT Han is. Luke has the better portrait, but much weaker accessories. Costumes are comparable.

Portrait quality is no reason for a mark up. A new body should bring them up to par with the True Type and a mark up for less then or equivalent is bull as well. Assuming all else (licensing and manufacturing costs, production quality) being equal, Luke should cost less than Han.

Is Hot Toys not being charged his astronomical licensing fee?

Wouldn't surprise me if their manufacturing costs are lower.