1/6 Luke Skywalker: Red Five X-Wing Pilot Sixth Scale Figure

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Some people complained, sure, but nothing like what's been going on in this thread. The figure is a pass for a lot of rock solid SSC customers. Don't think it bodes well for Sideshow, to be honest. At that price point, most people will hold their cash for HT.
Put your Spooks rewards toward it to cut it down to $200...now it's only $20 more than it should have been ($180)...yep, I'm gonna order this like a boss.
might pic this up somewhere down the pipeline, I like the suit, the sculpt is decent and the price is meh. I've paid more for less before. I'm more of an empire guy though... Bad guys always seem to have the cooler stuff, imo.
Then, now...same thing when it comes to this hobby and peeps whining about the prices! :lol


If prices go up, people complain and then move on. It's when they go up... and up... and up... that "whining" becomes absolutely appropriate.

Reality check - terrific headsculpt aside, this is a quite basic SSC Luke for nearly $250. No DX, no extra headsculpt/s, not even any weapons. This is reason to "whine", right? It's a huge jump from even SSC's own upcoming "now" figures.

With these prices, SSC is obviously gambling on the SW tsunami next year. But they're playing a dangerous game - HT has already weighed in with an armored figure. When the "SW turf" covered by HT and SSC blurs further, there could be trouble.

I'm already noticing more "I'll wait for HT" and "selling SSC" type posts. There's a ton of expensive 1/6 SW goodness coming... and only so many $$. They are positioning themselves as side-by-side with HT in terms of price and quality and it just seems (on this board) there's some dissension over whether that's appropriate.

Time will tell I guess. For now, I'm a very firm supporter of SSC (by necessity - they're the only ones who'll do the lesser characters I want) - and may get this fig - but I hope I'm not in a shrinking minority.
But some people still complained about the price in each example you made. Including Chewie. :lol

I didn't say anyone had to. I said we just have to acknowledge that prices have been steadily going up for awhile now.

I agree with you, if one doesn't like the price then don't buy it.

NOTHING else I spend money on, clothes, electronics etc has increased with that large a price jump, Christ if anything retail prices have come down. But SSC gets away with it?
A few hands a helmet warrants a 239.00 price tag?
Just keep adding steam to the Hot Toys line.

It would make a great Rob Thomas custom figure though.
I have the 2007 Farmboy Luke, so this new sculpt is a step up for me. besides, I'll display it with the helmet ON 90% of the time anyway. I don't appreciate the pricepoint, but HT will be even worse, and probably won't be available until well after 2015, IF they even make one. I'm going to go ahead and buy this, and just use as many points as possible. I think all things considered, I'll be glad I did.
I wouldn't mind if this figure had 5 other pairs of hands I would never use, and those action boots that are never used, or if it had a display base for the helmet or something extra. SSC might not make the best quality figures but, up until now, have given you bang for the buck. The combo of the price hike and lack of accessories is really unfortunate.

At least they could've done a production blog on it or something, show us the details in the helmet, or show us the work that went on to make this. The price makes this feel like a showcase piece, but the lack of presentation makes it look like just another figure. Give me some dang production value for my money.
I wouldn't mind if this figure had 5 other pairs of hands I would never use, and those action boots that are never used, or if it had a display base for the helmet or something extra. SSC might not make the best quality figures but, up until now, have given you bang for the buck. The combo of the price hike and lack of accessories is really unfortunate.

At least they could've done a production blog on it or something, show us the details in the helmet, or show us the work that went on to make this. The price makes this feel like a showcase piece, but the lack of presentation makes it look like just another figure. Give me some dang production value for my money.

They have one:
Better view of the figure but nothing else, I hate that the ex. is his bare hands, each hand worth 20.00 or something? That would explain the price hike :monkey2 I wish I could laugh about it but I'm just too sad.
Put your Spooks rewards toward it to cut it down to $200...now it's only $20 more than it should have been ($180)...yep, I'm gonna order this like a boss.

nope don't justify it please, btw the girl in your avatar has put on some weight in her last video.......:monkey3 errr I mean I don't watch that **** :lol
I don't know that extras could have made this palatable. I scoffed at the Bank Robber Joker redux and laughed outright at Deadpool. HT Han Solo is even starting to look downright stupid. End of an era, for sure.
I think SS shot them selves in the foot with this one. I've never seen so many people outraged about a figure. As for me I won't be spending the cash for this. Dumb move SS.
I don't know that extras could have made this palatable. I scoffed at the Bank Robber Joker redux and laughed outright at Deadpool. HT Han Solo is even starting to look downright stupid. End of an era, for sure.

You are right I posted this on another thread today is a sad day for me, cause I've been with SS since I was in highschool :( I am referring to a cop that shant be named:

"I may seem on HT's balls all the time but I don't own a single Iron man and hate them for ever making them, and I don't own a single batman after the ed 209 deal, I am getting that "cop" in Dec. and you are right I hope it is something special, the price is already. I want to get their Gunnar figure as well which is priced nicely and has a great sculpt. Also DiD's Gangster Robert is cheap too, maybe we should support these new guys and let the old die out it makes me sad cause my first 1/6th was Sideshow's first as well Frankenstein I've seen the company grow thats why it makes me so sad that the prices are going up, one thing you could always rely on was SS's prices oh well dawning of a new age I guess. "
I've been hearing a lot of assumption lately that HT will be redoing every figure that SS puts out first. I don't think we can count on that at all. They already have a supplier-distributor relationship. If they're sharing this license it makes more sense to approach it as partners than competitors. I doubt we'll see much overlap.

NOTHING else I spend money on, clothes, electronics etc has increased with that large a price jump, Christ if anything retail prices have come down. But SSC gets away with it?

TV's are 1/4 of what they cost 7 years ago, and 1/6 figs are 4X what they were. Can't compare the two but it's food for thought
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Then, now...same thing when it comes to this hobby and peeps whining about the prices! :lol

I think the difference is that people used to whine about the price but place a PO anyway, whereas it seems that more and more people whining then passing. I think collectors are also keeping one eye on where the SW line might go from here (especially with a lot of figures looking at potential upgrades) and lamenting the unaffordable cost of assembling a display that would've been within their budget in previous years.
I've been hearing a lot of assumption lately that HT will be redoing every figure that SS puts out first. I don't think we can count on that at all. They already have a supplier-distributor relationship. If they're sharing this license it makes more sense to approach it as partners than competitors. I doubt we'll see much overlap.

Precisely. This isn't a situation where HT will come in and make a better version for about the same price guys. This isn't Sideshow and Hot Toys competing for our money. This is a partnership in which they have decided on specific price gouging together behind closed doors. There will be no competition from either on this line. What I once thought was going to be a blessing in disguise, that picking up the Star Wars line by HT would actually be beneficial to us collectors because Sideshow was going to make sure they would maintain better standards while keeping their prices at a slightly lower level than HT, actually has turned into a nightmare with both companies abusing the customers' affection for the source material.

I think the difference is that people used to whine about the price but place a PO anyway, whereas it seems that more and more people whining then passing. I think collectors are also keeping one eye on where the SW line might go from here (especially with a lot of figures looking at potential upgrades) and lamenting the unaffordable cost of assembling a display that would've been within their budget in previous years.

:exactly: Sad.

Hell I've even changed my signature due to this bs fiasco. That's how pissed I am.