laugh out ******* out loud
Here are my other abbreviations:
AOU = Aliens From Uranus
MOS = Many Other Suicides
TDKR = The Dumb Knight Retires
That theory is whacked.
The simplest explanation is that Mad Max (from Fury Road) is the same character and simply a new actor since Gibson was either too old and/or black listed. The continuity has always been hard to peg, lots of franchises are like that. Most of them don't match up, even when there are blatant references sprinkled in.
Bond - ****ed continuity
Star Wars - ****ed continuity
Terminator - ****rd continuity
Batman - ****ed continuity
The human brain always wants to connect the dots, make it all add up. In reality, all these filmmakers and story tellers are making one story at a time. A singular story that should be able to stand on it's own. Fury Road undoubtedly does this. I saw Road Warrior without seeing Mad Max first, you know what? It all worked out.
OK man, I'm gonna say it - stop abbreviating all movie names and character names! It genuinely is difficult to know what you're referring to at times.![]()
Yeah, I just play mad-libs with the acronyms now.He even abbreviated my name.
Jye lost his mind.
I'm going to laugh my ass off if GM (General Motors) reveals MM (Mayor McCheese) in FR (Franklin Roosevelt) to be the FK (Freddie Krueger).
DF (Delta Force) will be eating some serious crow.
Hey bro, what's goin on Vincent.
What happened to your acc / avatar?
I'm good Julius, how are you. I went away for a bit. I was in Europe with no internet access.
Didn't think I would come back online anymore, ditched the avvy/sig before I left, deleted a ton of **** off my laptop. Then I saw some blockbusters and saw Returns Batman went up for order while I was away.
It's hard to walk away from discussing movies / collectibles with complete strangers isn't it.![]()
It's hard to walk away from discussing movies / collectibles with complete strangers isn't it.![]()