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That is done really fine work , well done ! My enthusiasm for a max custom had been in a wilderness for a while due to a lack of accurate looking parts. You may have tempted it a little out of hiding with those photographs.

That's good to hear, and thank you. I hope you decide to make one!

I thought I was done, but I saw some places where I could make it a lot more accurate in some of the contours and slopes,
so I washed off the paint and I made some improvements and corrections.
THIS is the final version that will go into production.
(the magnification makes the surface look grainy, but it's really quite smooth.)

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Nice work, man! I would be interested in picking one up when they become available.

Hey, that's great- and thanks again for your high-quality boots.

I've seen some very good Max customs, but they all seem to have one thing in common:
The shoulder pads are much too thick and puffy. The one in the film is pretty thin; not much protection.
With that in mind, I made my own custom pad. I did a LOT of research. Discovering the true outline was tricky,
because we never see it laying flat.

I knew I didn't want to make an actual sewn-and-stuffed fabric pad, because I wouldn't be able to control the final result very well. So, I came up with a way to simulate the whole pad and make it look real, with total control.

First, I deduced what the accurate outline was. I used some thin, flexible plastic from a file folder.
I bent it over the shoulder, and used a sharpie to draw on the front, then the back, on the yellow plastic.
Then I took it off of the figure, and drew a curved line along the neck area to connect the front to the back,
and then I cut-out the plastic template.

I placed the template onto a piece of 1mm-thick leather, traced around it, and cut-out two identical leather pieces.
One piece I used for the base form of the pad, and the other I cut to make raised areas for the middle and for the edges.
I used a Dremel to bevel the edges of the glue-on-top leather pieces so there would be a 'trench' where the stitching would later be.

Next, I glued the leather cut-out edge and middle pieces to the leather base. Then, I basically upholstered the whole thing with some black fabric which had the perfect texture and thread scale. I folded the edges of the fabric over to the back and glued them in place, one small section at a time, snipping the fabric with scissors to make small sections to glue around corners and tight curves. After the pad was covered with fabric, I stitched all the way around, about 5mm from the edges- where the 'trench' was hidden under the black fabric. Stitching along the hidden trench pinched the fabric down to the flat base, creating a realistic padded look.

Once all that was done, all I had to do was add the shiny black leather along the neck area, (with a thin leather strip rolled inside to add thickness) apply the 1mm metal dots, and make the straps with a steel buckle. I think it came out looking quite realistic and accurate- and my black guard looks great sitting on top of it.

In addition to the guards, I'm considering selling do-it-yourself kits for the under-pad, with instructions and all the materials included:
2 leather cut-outs, black fabric, 1mm metal 'rivets', 3mm-wide straps, shiny black leather strip for the neck area, and even enough thread for the stitching. If you buy both the pad-kit and guard, I'll include some extra leather straps that go through the four tiny slots to attach the guard to the pad, and I'll give a little discount.

(but sorry, no buckles- that's up to you to find, because I'm runnng short of them)

KIMG0540 - Copy.JPG

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Thank you, cpoll36.

I though it would be a good idea to show what the pad & guard look like on the figure.
In case anyone is interested in picking these items up, you'll know how it fits.


I gave the pad a very light dry-brushed dust/weathering job, and naturally my crappy phone camera makes the pad look light grey... It's actually much darker.
... I must say, my custom-made zippers are looking mighty fine, if I do say so myself.
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Excellent progress!

How do you like that Max head?
Thanks guys.

I'm sure it's the best Max sculpt ever done, and I'm really happy with it.
The only thing that bothers me a little bit is the tiny 'peaks' on the hair.
I mean, I know it was designed using 3D modeling software; it's obvious
that the designer copied the same technique over and over again in the program
to make little pointy hair spikes, and they don't look very realistic.
You can see in my photos some of the little pointy bits that I'm takling about.
Compare that to a really convincing hair job, like Hot Toys' Terminator.

I don't want to make it sound too bad- it's not. Most of the hair looks fine.
Besides- if the little spikes bother me TOO much (over time) I can always sand them off,
apply some putty, and sculpt some areas of the hair more carefully.

I would say it's a 9 out of 10. Improving the hair sculpt a bit would put it over the top.
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Yes the spiky hair is rather strange. The rest of the sculpt is perfect for me though. It really captures the look of the character as he was in the movie.

You have done awesome work on this Anthrapoid. Your attention to detail is truly something else.
Thanks guys.

I'm sure it's the best Max sculpt ever done, and I'm really happy with it.
The only thing that bothers me a little bit is the tiny 'peaks' on the hair.
I mean, I know it was designed using 3D modeling software; it's obvious
that the designer copied the same technique over and over again in the program
to make little pointy hair spikes, and they don't look very realistic.
You can see in my photos some of the little pointy bits that I'm takling about.
Compare that to a really convincing hair job, like Hot Toys' Terminator.

I don't want to make it sound too bad- it's not. Most of the hair looks fine.
Besides- if the little spikes bother me TOO much (over time) I can always sand them off,
apply some putty, and sculpt some areas of the hair more carefully.

I would say it's a 9 out of 10. Improving the hair sculpt a bit would put it over the top.

Yeah I agree about the hair, I have rubbed some paint off the hair, just by accident, pretty easy fix and you cant really notice it. I will try not to handle my Max fig now, as he is pretty much done, just leave him in my display now.
The head overall though is outstanding, Hot Toys would struggle to top this, not that they will make a cool figure like Mad Max anytime soon.

The pic below doesn't really show the nicks on the hair but there are a couple.

Interesting about the hair.

I've been planning/collecting bits for a Mad Max build ever since I got into 1/6th collecting -- about 20 years ago now -- and over that time I've either had or watched closely every sculpt that has been produced for Mel's Max. The few times I found one I liked, the tech in the hobby changed and the sculpt was instantly dated.

I've had my eye on Ulli's ever since it was started... but I still haven't purchased it. Maybe I've finally become too gun-shy.

One day I truly hope to put together my own Ultimate Max. I think I'd like to make him battle-damaged like he was after driving the truck. A dirty, filthy Max seems appropriate... and it definitely helps hide some of the bits I have that might not be up to par.
I've been planning/collecting bits for a Mad Max build ever since I got into 1/6th collecting -- about 20 years ago now ... I've had my eye on Ulli's ever since it was started... but I still haven't purchased it.

Wor-Gar, go for it. I bought the unpainted head for $85, and it's worth it.
I don't see another better one coming any time soon.
I'm still holding out on the hope that Beastmaster will produce his. If he does, I believe it will be the final, definitive Max sculpt. Even the first physical rendering of the sculpt was incredible.
Yeah that beastmaster render is/was a thing a of beauty.



There are quite a of few of his sculpts that I would love to own:

That is an amazing sculpt but he looks slightly older in it. I think that would be better for a Beyond Thunderdome Mad Max.

Here is my Max with my repainted eyes. My favourite look from The Road Warrior is where he smiles at the Gyro Captain as he leans badly injured against the decoy tanker but in the end I went with a more serious look. You know looking at him he also reminds me of a young Terrance Stamp. General Zod in his prime!


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The age lines would likely not be as apparent in an actual casting... that is of course if it actually made it that far.