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Awesome Anthrapoid! Thanks for sharing. I wasn't sure when, if ever I was going to get around to buying the CK custom version. It was always a bit too pricey for me. Even the pose looks perfect for Dog from the movie : )
Heads up: I found this 1/6 scale Australian Blue Heeler figure for sale on Etsy.
Painted - $80.00 plus shipping, Unpainted - $50.00 plus shipping, from South Korea.
I think it looks much better (and more reasonably priced) than the other one by 'King'.

I already received mine, with VERY fast shipping- five days to the USA I think.
It needs a little work to better resemble the dog in the film, but not much.

1) Ears need to be shaved around the edges to make them a bit smaller
2) Ears need to be shaved on the back-sides to make them a bit thinner
3) Neck 'fur' needs to have a groove dug-in to accomodate the red scarf in a realistic way
4) Lower jaw (chin, actually) needs a bit more thickness in the downward direction
5) Needs male genitalia

I'm also going to do a bit of work on the lip just below the nose, and maybe give him a little more fat around the ribcage, using some epoxy putty. Other than that, I really like it. The scale is just right. Once I give it some easy mods and a really accurate paint job,
it will look fantastic standing beside Max.
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Here's the link to buy it on Etsy- get them before they're gone!
As of this moment, it says "only three left" ... but maybe he will make more. (and maybe not!)

I pulled the trigger on one of these as well. Should go great with my RW figure.
Yeah punisher1974, that hadn't occured to me, but you're right.
I rate this model 7 out of 10, regarding how closely it resembles the dog in the film.
The proportions aren't perfect. I took measurements and compared the model to screenshots of the dog.

The ears are very exaggerated in size, the legs are very slightly too long, the torso is a bit underweight, and the chin
should jut down a bit more. Also, the cleft in the center of the upper lip is cut in too deep; over-accentuated.
Taken all together, these flaws make the head look more rodent-like than canine.

I can't really shorten the legs easily, but they'll look more proportional after some weight is added to the torso- just the sides and underbelly. Just 1 to 2 millimeters of added thickness will make a big difference visually.

Some people may not notice or care, but these issues are easy to fix with a Dremel grinder and some putty-clay,
followed by a bit of re-sculpting of the hair surface with a needle tool.

I fixed the ears on mine, and it helped a lot. I'm waiting for some putty to arrive in the post so I can do the other mods.
I'll post pics when it's done. In the meantime, here's a Photoshop image showing how I'm changing the head.

il_fullxfull.1773890965_q5kb - Copy.jpg
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Thanks guys. I went outside where it's cloudy and the current light is diffuse; got some MUCH better pics.
Previous pics deleted.
I really think the reduced ears and the bigger chin make this figure. If you're going to mod yours, remember: the ears are too big around the edges, AND much too thick front-to-back. I also sanded-down the 'whisker bumps' on the sides of the snout by about 60%, because they were just too prominant. I think it makes the whole muzzle look much more natural.







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Thanks guys. I went outside where it's cloudy and the current light is diffuse; got some MUCH better pics.
Previous pics deleted.
I really think the reduced ears and the bigger chin make this figure. If you're going to mod yours, remember: the ears are too big around the edges, AND much too thick front-to-back. I also sanded-down the 'whisker bumps' on the sides of the snout by about 60%, because they were just too prominant. I think it makes the whole muzzle look much more natural.

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Love it. The pose really sells it. Some empty 1/6 cans next to him would look great as well.
I'm getting the pair of metal cans (one open, one closed) that comes with the FullMetalCustoms accessory set in October.
Also, I did a digital reconstruction of the Dinki-Di cardboard box that I'm going to print on heavy card paper, then fold into a box.

001 - print on thin dull card stock.jpg

Edit: Here guys, print one for yourselves. Gratis.

01 - print on thin dull card stock - Copy - Copy.jpg
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that dog now looks way better and sure the pose helps a lot. Great job and good eye to make all those changes to get your goal! Respect!!
Thanks for making a copy of the box to download. I really appreciate that.

I will try and order one of those dogs over the next few weeks and then get to work on it! I think I will leave his balls alone though.