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Thanks Wor-Gar!

Here's a tip for getting good results with the red scarf.

First, I recommend you draw a line around the dog's neck with a marking pen, then use a Dremel tool to grind a narrow, shallow trench on that line. Maybe just 1.5mm deep and 3mm wide, with rounded edges. That will make the scarf look like it's pressing down into the fur a bit, and it will keep the scarf seated where it belongs without the need to glue it in place. Then, you can use the technique below to make and install the scarf. It worked really well for me, and it was easy.
(of course you need to finish painting the dog's neck area before you do this)

MadMax2-006 - Copy - Copy.jpg

I cut the fabric to be about twice as broad as I wanted it to appear after installation; after it was folded and wrinkled, it was reduced in width by one half, the width I wanted it to be on the neck. Also, I cut the length of the scarf to be 2 inches longer than the circumference of the dog's neck, to allow for the two knots at the ends and the hanging tips.
After I tied a knot at each end, I rolled the scarf a bit, folded and twisted some areas, and bunched-it-up to make wrinkles and such. Then it was ready to wrap it around into place, and glue the two knots together under the neck.
If I had tried to get a realistic look by tying a real knot in the usual way, the two ends would be pointing anywhere they wanted to- and I would've been futzing for hours. The two 'fake' knots together fool the eye completely, and you can easily glue them together so the ends point downward to simulate gravity.
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Does anyone remember near the beginning of The Road Warrior, where we see Max walking with an elbow crutch and his jacket collar is turned up? I'm having a 1/6th specialist make a metal replica of that crutch for me, so I can have that scene as a display option. I researched the crutch, and this is what it looks like:
55776360_2314214795498703_981739372502056960_n - Copy.jpg
Yes, I remember it, and I've always wondered when it was shot and was he wearing the outfit from the first film. If you look in the background, there are also two grave marker crosses presumably for his wife and child.
I have the bluray, and I can zoom-in on my big 44" LCD TV.
He's wearing the full Road Warrior costume, without the binoculars.
I'm considering making the grave scene as a diorama background,
with simulated rust-colored lighting behind Max to silhouette him.

Also, I found perfect 1/6 red-and-black bolt cutters identical to the ones he used in the film to womp the bad guy over the head.
That offers another display option, maybe with Max holding them rested on his shoulder.
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I could be wrong but wasn't that scene cut from MM1 and used in MM2? I think they had that shot along with another scene of him after he was shot on the road bandaging his leg. Not 100% sure though.
I would love to see the close-ups (if possible) of his outfit in that scene. I always assumed it was all silhouette and thus impossible to make out the outfit of which I assumed was the MM1 gear. Very curious discovery :)
Here's my problem- I have a bluray machine hooked to my TV, but not installed in my pc. Therefore, I can't take bluray-resolution screenshots. However, even at the lower DVD resolution, you can clearly make out his metal leg brace and his knee pad in the scene. It is almost 100% silhouette, but you can clearly see the metal bars on both sides of his leg because of the front view of the camera, and you can see light peeking from behind, through the narrow spaces between his leg and the bars. It's not easy to see in a still frame, but when viewed at normal speed the leg brace and knee pad are definitely visible.

I'm convinced they shot the grave scene for Road Warrior for the purpose of illustrating a direct connection to the first film, along with the other flashback imagery that came before it.

What this tells me story-wise is this:
In the first film, after his wife and child are killed, they would have been buried very quickly- perhaps later the same day, or on the following day. Therefore, When we see Max at the gravesite near the beginning of Road warrior, a few years have gone by; the apocalypse has come and gone. He's visiting the graves years after their deaths, and then some more time passes, (sufficient for Max to walk again without a crutch) then the film proceeds from there.
This timeline makes sense to me; one would need a crutch for quite a long time after having one's knee shattered by gunfire, if no immediate reconstructive knee surgery is available.
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Does anyone remember near the beginning of The Road Warrior, where we see Max walking with an elbow crutch and his jacket collar is turned up? I'm having a 1/6th specialist make a metal replica of that crutch for me, so I can have that scene as a display option. I researched the crutch, and this is what it looks like:
View attachment 462557

Cant wait to see your finished Max
Managed to pick me up some new clothes & shoulder pad for Max, They are from the Cult King Max. I was reasonably happy with my bash but I think the new clothes really improve the fig.



A preview of the shoulder pad & guard I'm making:

The pad is complete, and the guard is about half done.
I'm not going to make copies of the pad, because it's assembled from
more than 25 pieces of fabric, leather, metal features, straps/buckle, etc...

However, I am going to make a silicone mold for the guard and produce duplicates.
I did a LOT of research from all angles on both pieces, and they're pretty damned accurate.



Thank you shells- I finished it this morning.
Now I need to make the silicone mold and start casting them.
I already happen to have some black liquid pigment for resins,
so I'll be casting them in black.

I have no idea how much interest there will be, since there seems to be only about five humans on Earth who have made a custom RW for


...and after a nice coat of satin black.

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That is done really fine work , well done ! My enthusiasm for a max custom had been in a wilderness for a while due to a lack of accurate looking parts. You may have tempted it a little out of hiding with those photographs.
Thank you shells- I finished it this morning.
Now I need to make the silicone mold and start casting them.
I already happen to have some black liquid pigment for resins,
so I'll be casting them in black.

I have no idea how much interest there will be, since there seems to be only about five humans on Earth who have made a custom RW for

View attachment 463109

:lol Yeah we are a select bunch that's for sure