Maglor’s Menagerie

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Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography


Part 1





I like it I like it! :clap

I think everyone's photos tend to get better the more time they get to spend with the figure, don't you? I know the Menagerie will be chock full of exceptional-ness in a little while. These are great to tide me over. Still no shipping notice on mine from AE. :impatient:

So what do you think of the figure? I'm reading all kinds of confusion in the thread about he's fragile or he's not. :dunno What's your verdict?
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Your spidey looks exceptionally better then the proto pics and other pics I've seen of him.
Wow, really? Have you seen OMG's pics?

I really like the way you use a variety of shelves to display your collection. Very well done :clap

Thank you sir. :)

I like it I like it! :clap

I think everyone's photos tend to get better the more time they get to spend with the figure, don't you? I know the Menagerie will be chock full of exceptional-ness in a little while.

I agree. I tend to have trouble with the colorful figures like this and Ironman. I'm used to the darker figures - they require a different kind of lighting.

I hope to do some natural light pics as well as some low light pics (like I do with the darker figures) soon.

So what do you think of the figure? I'm reading all kinds of confusion in the thread about he's fragile or he's not. :dunno What's your verdict?

I love him. I gave my review of him in the Spidey thread, but basically my only complaints are the seem on the chin stands out too much (which isn't a problem on all the figures) and the crotch is too low - "droopy drawers" (which IS a problem on all the figures.

As far as whether it's fragile or not: I don't think it's that fragile. Just use common sense so as not to over stretch the webs and be careful not to snag the fabric.

I am not a Big Spidey Fan, but that's Badass looking, I like it, Congrats Mag

Thanks! :hi5:

I'm not a huge Spidey fan either, but I just couldn't pass on this. Will probably get the black version too.

maglor, do you have to frequently dust your figures?

I spend a lot more time dusting the shelves themselves. The figures I dust with canned air. Works great. :)
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

oooo good advice.
I noticed you don't you don't use display stands to hold up you figures. How do you get them to stay standing in more dynamic poses? also ever have any accidents of them falling off the shelves?
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

I strongly dislike stands. Unless a pose requires it I will not use them.

Yes, I did have one figure fall and break. But it was my own fault. It was a Sideshow figure with very week joints. It was the Babysitter zombie. I was trying out different poses in our dining room and I had her with one ankle bent as if it were broken. That's definity a pose that would require a stand... I walked away for a minute and heard her fal from the other room. When I came back, both of her legs had broken off at the hips. :horror

Thankfully she was really cheap ($14 including shipping.) :)

Plus, now I can display her as a legless zombie! :rock







Here's the only pic I have of her with legs (basically the pose that killed her):


For the record, I have had other small accidents, but no more with breaks.

It's a gamble, but it's worth it to me because the display looks so much better.

...I just thought of one more exception: If the value of the figure is high enough I will use a stand for protection rather than make the gamble. For example, my Van Zan is a one of a kind, and the most I have ever spent on a collectable. I always keep him on a stand.
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Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Its either you pro futzing or just your figure in general but that's the best spidey I have seen so far. The other ones proportions or something just seem off to me for some reason. Plus your spidy seems a little more built. I get more of a spiderman 1 feel from it. Might just be me though.:dunno
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Their all on the same body, so I think it might be the shadowing/lighting that's making the body look more "built".
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Congrats about everything.

I'm loving specially your Burton tragic toys and Catwoman from Returns. I was hoping for HT to make one, but if they don't i'll have to buy the same as yours, and the display is awesome too !
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Hey, what's up with the Batpod pic of yours in the DX02 thread? Did you score that? I've never seen that before in your collection.
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Awesome pics Mag! :horror This one has me tempted to go with a similar pose. I thought I had to do something dynamic, but that is just bad@ss :rock

Thanks man. I do like the static pose, but that's already pretty much my pose of choice for Batman, and I really do picture Spidey in a more dynamic pose.


spidey is awesome

Thanks lord.

Congrats about everything.

I'm loving specially your Burton tragic toys and Catwoman from Returns. I was hoping for HT to make one, but if they don't i'll have to buy the same as yours, and the display is awesome too !

Thank you, and thanks for stopping in. :)

Those tragic toys are my wife's. I need to showcase them one of these days, as they are very cool.

Hey, what's up with the Batpod pic of yours in the DX02 thread? Did you score that? I've never seen that before in your collection.

Nah, just found it in google images. Was trying to prove a point to NAM. :lol

I'lll take "Places Spidey Could Fall" for $500, Alex.


I have no fear! :lecture

Strangely I think the Babysitter looks better w/o legs. :dunno

Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography


Part 2





No one has captured his back side as well as the first pic! :lol

Seriously though, love the emblem, great shots!

Dangit on the Batpod! I was getting ready to send you a big congrats man!