Maglor’s Menagerie

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Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Just scrolled back through about 20 pages of goodness! You've been busy man! Really I'm not surprised! Enjoyed checking out the updates, AWESOME stuff as always!

So what did you see at CC that you liked and are preordering?

I have to also ask, sorry if I missed it in previous posts, but since you have a FNO Batman are you getting the HT's version? What about the Nicholson Joker and if the Joker 2.0 turns out to be a Nurse Joker version? Just wondering because your customs look so great!

I'm a pretty big Batman fan, but personally I'm so taken with the Nolan universe that it squashes a lot of previous versions and I was mixed whether I was getting the '89 entries. Then that Joker was shown and I knew instantly I was done for! Like or dislike the Burton Batman's, I don't think anyone can honestly say that figure doesn't look drop dead amazing! :thud:

I'm trying to figure a way to be able to 1) be able to afford the '89 Batmobile and 2) find a place to put it if I do buy it. Are you going to get that as well? I might have to live vicariously through freaks and just stick with my '89 Hot Wheels. :monkey2
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

^^^ Thanks for stoppin' in! :1-1:

Here's what I have coming up:

  • Spiderman (PO'd)
  • Jack Sparrow (PO'd)
  • Spiderman - Symbiote version
  • Hot Toys Bruce Wayne/OC
  • Batman '89
  • Joker '89
  • Zorro -by Triad [To be bashed into a Dread Pirate Roberts from Princes Bride] (PO'd)
  • Superman (PO'd)
  • Ex[In]ception Domm Cob -by Brothers Productions... maybe two...
  • Joker 2.0 [Getting it no matter what it is.]

I'm gonna use the new Hot Toys Begins Batman this way: My Takara will remain a FNO Bats and I will use the new HT Bruce Wayne sculpt with it. I'll use one of the Takara's batarang hands to hold the ski mask. The new HT Bat will be my definitive Begins figure.

I will be getting two more detolfs this month and one of the shelves will eventually have 1) Bruce Wayne in the suit with Adam's custom head, 2) Takara FNO, 3) HT Begins. And eventually I will have my DX02 with the backpack and sticky gun - assuming HT makes another Batman for TDKR - which would then share a shelf with one of my Clown Jokers.

I have decided to pass on any 1:6 vehicles because of the price, but even more-so because I would have no place to put them. Like you, I'm gonna live through others and enjoy my 1:18 Hot Wheels version. :)
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

I have the same idea for my Takbats and If I get the TF version. I really need a Batman Begins bat's.

Also, I'm really digging the new sig Mag.
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

^^^ Thanks for stoppin' in! :1-1:

Here's what I have coming up:

  • Spiderman (PO'd)
  • Jack Sparrow (PO'd)
  • Spiderman - Symbiote version
  • Hot Toys Bruce Wayne/OC
  • Batman '89
  • Joker '89
  • Zorro -by Triad [To be bashed into a Dread Pirate Roberts from Princes Bride] (PO'd)
  • Superman (PO'd)
  • Ex[In]ception Domm Cob -by Brothers Productions... maybe two...
  • Joker 2.0 [Getting it no matter what it is.]

I'm gonna use the new Hot Toys Begins Batman this way: My Takara will remain a FNO Bats and I will use the new HT Bruce Wayne sculpt with it. I'll use one of the Takara's batarang hands to hold the ski mask. The new HT Bat will be my definitive Begins figure.

I will be getting two more detolfs this month and one of the shelves will eventually have 1) Bruce Wayne in the suit with Adam's custom head, 2) Takara FNO, 3) HT Begins. And eventually I will have my DX02 with the backpack and sticky gun - assuming HT makes another Batman for TDKR - which would then share a shelf with one of my Clown Jokers.

I have decided to pass on any 1:6 vehicles because of the price, but even more-so because I would have no place to put them. Like you, I'm gonna live through others and enjoy my 1:18 Hot Wheels version. :)

A man with a plan! All sounds good my friend! :hi5:

I'm going to have to look into that "Inception" figure, first time I've heard of it as I've been out awhile.

I've always wanted a FNO Batman so I was pretty excited to see that figure reveal. I contemplated selling my OC Bat's when I first saw it but then decided I'm keeping him for the Begins look and I'll absolutely use the newer figure for the FNO look. Plus, the cowl heads should swap between the OC and the FNO so I can use the swapable mouth pieces on my old figure. That's my plan anyways.

I think I'm going to jump onboard with the HT's SW as well. I would like to get a core set of figures from the OT and would want my Luke to be the Jedi version from ROTJ. Of course we have no idea what HT's will make overall so I'm jumping in with the Bespin version and see what happens.

So many choices to make! :cuckoo: :slap :gah: :wink1:

Good catching up with you BTW!
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Great pictures, Maglor! I really like the Mark IV pics!

Thanks! I really do enjoy photographing toys for some reason. :p

Classy setup Maglor, you've given me ideas...

Thank you sir. :duff


and somewhat frightening.

Indeed. :lol

I have the same idea for my Takbats and If I get the TF version. I really need a Batman Begins bat's.

Also, I'm really digging the new sig Mag.

Thanks! :hi5:

I'll be uploading a barrage of B&W Batman pics shortly...

A man with a plan! All sounds good my friend! :hi5:

I'm going to have to look into that "Inception" figure, first time I've heard of it as I've been out awhile.

I've always wanted a FNO Batman so I was pretty excited to see that figure reveal. I contemplated selling my OC Bat's when I first saw it but then decided I'm keeping him for the Begins look and I'll absolutely use the newer figure for the FNO look. Plus, the cowl heads should swap between the OC and the FNO so I can use the swapable mouth pieces on my old figure. That's my plan anyways.

I think I'm going to jump onboard with the HT's SW as well. I would like to get a core set of figures from the OT and would want my Luke to be the Jedi version from ROTJ. Of course we have no idea what HT's will make overall so I'm jumping in with the Bespin version and see what happens.

So many choices to make! :cuckoo: :gah: :wink1:

Good catching up with you BTW!

If I had the OC and not the Takara, I'd do exactly what you're doing. :lecture

As far as HT SW goes, I think I would get a Vader and that's about it. If they don't make one, I'll be happy with my Sideshow Vader. :)
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

DC Direct Batman

Black and White Statue Collection:




Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Batman B & W Statue

- Inspired by Brian Bolland

#5937 of 6500





Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Batman B & W Statue

- Designed by Jim Lee

#2374 of 5600





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Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Batman B & W Statue

- Designed by Steve Rude

#2146 of 3300





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Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Batman B & W Statue

- Batman: Arkham Asylum

#3388 of 5000








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Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Thanks! I always like finding out which ones stand out to people. :D