Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

I swear superman better not get beat out by kumar in this movie
Re: The Man of Steel

Because LIFE is edgy and dark nowadays.

Well, life has always been dark and edgy. Right now it is just the flavor of the season right now. The same thing happened in the 70s with film. You can look at life anyway you want. Either you can focus on the negative or look at the positive. The part I don't get is the realistic part. There isn't anything realistic about Superman.
Re: The Man of Steel

Well, life has always been dark and edgy. Right now it is just the flavor of the season right now. The same thing happened in the 70s with film. You can look at life anyway you want. Either you can focus on the negative or look at the positive. The part I don't get is the realistic part. There isn't anything realistic about Superman.

Yea this always bothers me too. How some movies are filled with violence, death, darkness, malaise, and depression and then being praised for being "realistic".
What kind of depressing lives are these people living?

Ive found that in real life; while things may not always be perfect, stuff does tend to work out for the better the majority of the time.
And while yes, there are bad things in the world; they occur very very rarely.
Re: The Man of Steel

Yea, to someone somewhere. If you actually think about how many times it happens compared to how many people actually live on the planet, it is very miniscule.

Il give you an example. Last night on the news I saw a report about some teen that got killed in a nearby city by a drunk driver. If take into account friends and family (the people that won't just say "That sucks" and move on) and then you consider that there are 80,000 people in the county, that means that for about 78,950 people it was just your average day. There were also 10 wedding and 20 birth announcements in the paper yesterday. That means atleast 40 out of those 80,000 will remember the day that teen got killed as the best day of thier life. Take into account thier friends and family and you have a huge surpluss of happiness right there.

You may think about something bad that happened to you or someone you know. How often does that stuff really happen? Not on a daily basis I bet.

There is some crap we have to put up with in life, but it is far outweighed by the good/normal. If you choose to focus on the rare bad times, life is going to be pretty depressing.
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Re: The Man of Steel

Thanks a lot, Nolan! Well, let's be honest, with Snyder involved the chances of this movie being good to begin with was about nil.
C'mon now, that's unfair. I give it a solid 25% chance of being good, considering that Snyder is at the helm.

Well, Superman does seem to be a tough character to write for. How do you make him struggle as he is pretty much a God ???? I personally think he is an interesting character and his dilemmas lay with his Human side, but I can see how people can say "he's boring and dull". I personally would like to see a Superman film that keeps the spirit of the character alive (protection of mankind) while having him kick some ass :lol
I think the fact that he is a God-like character, in a world that isn't his own, surrounded by those he feels an obligation to protect but can never really relate to, because of a moral code developed and taught to him by humans, is extremely fertile soil for internal conflict and drama.

But that doesn't mean "dark and edgy." That's Batman and Punisher territory. Superman chooses hope and optimism over cynicism and self-loathing. Batman is extremely ____ed up, psychologically. In fact, that's the basis of what he does. Superman is much healthier in that department.
Re: The Man of Steel

YAY! So they're going to turn Lex into a chrackhead too, and the actor who plays him will OD, creating billions in free press, emo douches everywhere will shave their heads to be like him and a new level of OCD will be breached making this the biggest grossing movie of all time!
GREAT! :blissy
Re: The Man of Steel

Because that's what the kids like.

It's why John Carter failed.

Yes, there is nothing that the kids like more than gritty realism in thier superheroes.:dunno

John Carter failed because no one knew (or cared) who John Carter was.
Re: The Man of Steel

Kids love gritty realism. Look at almost every movie that has to be more "realistic".

See The Amazing Spider-Man. Darker, grittier take. :lol
Re: The Man of Steel

Superman is never going to be realistic in the way say a Batman Begins was let's just be clear on that. What I assume the 'realism' comment means is realistic in the way characters interact and develop, and some realism to the way normal humans and the world reacts to finding out that there is an alien amongst them with unimaginable powers

It could be gritty and dark yes, but if that's overdone, it would no longer be Superman. There's a balance here and a fine one, let's hope Snyder and Nolan tread it well
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Re: The Man of Steel

I just want some action, i want to see Superman fight a super-powered opponent that you feel could beat him. Have him show his heroism by struggling to win.

And less stalking or Hammy Luthor
Re: The Man of Steel

I just want some action, i want to see Superman fight a super-powered opponent that you feel could beat him. Have him show his heroism by struggling to win.

And less stalking or Hammy Luthor


:lol @ those wanting gritty realism in a hero who completely defies even the most basic concept of physics. :lol
Re: The Man of Steel

Simple... Super Hero needs Super Villain to fight, and almost loose... So he can be triumphant in the end... Why can't Hollywood get this right.. Hope this film delivers I'm excited to see!!!!