Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

^ Because people are too aware of the cliches now. And they think they want something different. And when something different comes along, they want the same old thing.
Re: The Man of Steel

New soundtrack and it was posted that the Williams theme will not be used.
Re: The Man of Steel

Thank goodness. I dont care what any of you say I hated that theme. Superman needs to a new epic theme. He is the god of superhero's afterall.
Re: The Man of Steel

I just want some action, i want to see Superman fight a super-powered opponent that you feel could beat him. Have him show his heroism by struggling to win.

And less stalking or Hammy Luthor

Aboslutly hated lex luther in the older movies and in returns. Dont know why they decided to make him a funny character.:dunno
Re: The Man of Steel

Thank goodness. I dont care what any of you say I hated that theme. Superman needs to a new epic theme. He is the god of superhero's afterall.

Wow. You're crazy. How can anyone not like that theme? It's arguably Williams' best work and arguably the best super hero theme ever.
Re: The Man of Steel

Thank goodness. I dont care what any of you say I hated that theme. Superman needs to a new epic theme. He is the god of superhero's afterall.
Same, hate it. Always thought it was so annoying and...cheesy I guess.

Wow. You're crazy. How can anyone not like that theme? It's arguably Williams' best work and arguably the best super hero theme ever.
Have you not seen Star Wars?

...okay, listening to it again it's not nearly as bad as I remembered. But still, I don't think it is as good as people say.
Re: The Man of Steel

While I'm not opposed to Superman getting a new theme, I have to agree that Williams' Superman theme is hands down the best theme given to a comic book character, instantly recognizable and classically done.
Re: The Man of Steel

Aboslutly hated lex luther in the older movies and in returns. Dont know why they decided to make him a funny character.:dunno

Yea exactly. Especially after Michael Rosenbaum on Smallville proved how compelling of a character Lex Luthor can be. Say what you want about how bad that writing got, Lex was always amazingly written and argueably the best aspect of the show.
Re: The Man of Steel

Yea exactly. Especially after Michael Rosenbaum on Smallville proved how compelling of a character Lex Luthor can be. Say what you want about how bad that writing got, Lex was always amazingly written and argueably the best aspect of the show.

I don't even think it's arguable, he absolutely was the best part of that show. He's the only thing that held it together during those laughably bad middle seasons. If they bring Lex Luthor into these movies, they should strongly consider using Rosenbaum.
Re: The Man of Steel

Same, hate it. Always thought it was so annoying and...cheesy I guess.

Have you not seen Star Wars?

...okay, listening to it again it's not nearly as bad as I remembered. But still, I don't think it is as good as people say.

Yes I've seen Star Wars and that's why I said "arguably."

While I'm not opposed to Superman getting a new theme, I have to agree that Williams' Superman theme is hands down the best theme given to a comic book character, instantly recognizable and classically done.

I'd rather the new movie have all new music anyway so it stands on it's own and doesn't rely on the past like Superman Returns did with not only the music but the story too.

I honestly don't see another super hero theme ever topping what John Williams wrote. '78 Superman and '89 Batman have the only memorable super hero themes ever written. Can anyone hum the entire theme for Spider-Man or the new Batman?
Re: The Man of Steel

I also want new music for this movie but Superman and 89 Batman score are freaking classics, just like Star Wars, Indy and Terminator.
Re: The Man of Steel

Same, hate it. Always thought it was so annoying and...cheesy I guess.

Have you not seen Star Wars?

...okay, listening to it again it's not nearly as bad as I remembered. But still, I don't think it is as good as people say.

The funny thing is that every once in a while, I'll hum the Superman theme, and by the end, I'll realize that I actually phased into humming the SW theme, and vice-versa; they're that similar.
Re: The Man of Steel

I honestly don't see another super hero theme ever topping what John Williams wrote. '78 Superman and '89 Batman have the only memorable super hero themes ever written. Can anyone hum the entire theme for Spider-Man or the new Batman?
I actually loooooove the Spiderman theme tbh.
Re: The Man of Steel

I actually loooooove the Spiderman theme tbh.

It's good but not even close to being as long term memorable as those classics being discussed.

You can hum 8 seconds of Spidey and be done. :lol

My favorite modern ST is from BB/TDK.

Can't really hum it either but it's lengthy and memorable.
Re: The Man of Steel

Superman theme = Amazing.

Indy theme = Amazing.

Sure, the movie needs a new theme. Not because the theme "sucks", but because it just needs an obvious update.

But I can't understand the hate for Superman's theme. I'm not even a Superman fan, yet I still listened to that thing daily. It's just so iconic, and great sounding.
Re: The Man of Steel

:lol @ those wanting gritty realism in a hero who completely defies even the most basic concept of physics. :lol

It's not so unrealistc when you think about it! :panic:



Re: The Man of Steel

Superman theme = Amazing.

Indy theme = Amazing.

Sure, the movie needs a new theme. Not because the theme "sucks", but because it just needs an obvious update.

But I can't understand the hate for Superman's theme. I'm not even a Superman fan, yet I still listened to that thing daily. It's just so iconic, and great sounding.
It's just so damn....happy. I think that's it.

When I hear it, I want to skip down the street with a big gay smile on my face. :lol

Seriously though, It really isn't as bad as I remembered.