It's ok, I also couldn't resist.
Nokia also had the honors of releasing the last TDKR trailer if i'm not mistaken.
Anyways, I don't feel like I ruined anything, very little in the way of new stuff, more like extensions of what we've seen already.
Remember when were were starving for footage.
Anyways, looking great, awesome music.
At the end of the day, a great movie should hold up to scenes already seen or spoiled in the trailer.
Please, please let this be my go to Superman movie, I love CR S1/2 but it's time for Superman to shine again, it's time for Superman to have a great serious movie and action that can be accomplished with modern CGI, once and for all.
Superman Returns failed miserably, plainly evident after seeing these MOS trailers.
Brian Singer, time for you to witness Superman in action as the way it was meant to be.
Hopefully Singer won't screw up X-Full of Men and 2 Girls.