I don't think the Christ comparison works all that well for Superman. Moses fits much better. Moses inspired and led. Christ bled and sacrificed.
The problem with calling Superman "Christ-like" is that "Christ-like" isn't made so much by the miracles performed here, but by the sacrifice ... a sacrifice that Superman never makes with any permanence. Its the humanity that makes it sacrificial.
In that regard, Batman is more Christ-like. Granted, he doesn't die permanently either ... but he sacrifices much more of his life and lifestyle for those he protects than does Superman. Batman is a beaten and broken man because of his crusade. Superman is not. Batman isn't invincible ... he's tortured, his charmed life is in ruins, and he takes much more of a beating for those he saves than does Superman. Batman bears a much heavier cross because Batman is human, feels human pain, and can make human sacrifices.
Its an interesting discussion, though.