Re: The Man of Steel
It's not that bad of a movie. It's just a poor superhero tentpole summer film.
Like Hulk was. All the story telling elements are alright. It's just wildly inappropriate for the genre. Like I said.
Kinda like how in TDKR, people started to get frustrated with all the subtexts and ****. It was too much, and lost the point of what it needed to be.
I actually Enjoyed Hulk the first time I saw it. Yes I was disappointed but I enjoyed the style and being a big Hulk fan I somewhat appreciated the psychological approach to the film. However the film is also Silly at times and Ang Lee should have NEVER EVER been the man to play the Hulk in the motion capture suit. Hulk never felt like Hulk.
I always thought Superman Returns was a mess. Even worse it's a boring mess. It tries to be a squeal and a remake all in one. Superman lands on earth, hangs out in Smallville, Gets a job at Daily Planet, makes his first appearance to the masses by saving Louis from a falling air craft, Saves east coast from exact same plot he saved the west coast from. I know much of the dialogue was supposed to be an homage to the original but since the whole film was basically the original it just felt boring.
The things they tried to make different and new just did not work. Louis moving on from Superman and Superman having a son were bad ideas made worse by miscasting and lack of any kind of chemistry.
Add that to the fact that any sexual relations that Superman had with Louis was erased from her memory, I found myself wondering why she did not press Sexual assault charges for Superman apparently slipping her a roofie.
It was due to the fact that Singer could not decide if he wanted to make a remake or a true sequel that made this such a hot mess. If you are going to follow Donner's films then you should at least try and keep the tone. But the tone ended up all over the place because Singer had no clue what he wanted to do.
I also enjoyed TDKR. It had to follow up TDK.... Basically impossible. I found most of the issues just had to do with staying true to the characters in the comics. But if you can accept this as another universe then it is just fine.