Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

I think that'd bull____. Honestly. I don't think WB/DC would have ever allowed the killing of the Superkid. The Brainiac story comes right out of the Animated Series. Do I believe that Singer had this planned? Absolutely not. I think its an afterthought of where Singer would have gone but if this was seriously the plan Superman Returns would have been cut this way. WB was completely behind Singer up until release, they were talking about sequels even before the film was shown. The proof is in the pudding and Superman Returns to me shows that this wasn't the case.
Re: The Man of Steel

That script sounds soooooooo stupid.
It seems made up on the fly so people will forget the crap that is Superman Returns.
Re: The Man of Steel

I also enjoyed Superman Returns, but it wasn't what I was hoping for. I'm really hoping for something different in this one. More action, a different villain, without compromising story.
Re: The Man of Steel

I would have really liked to see that story filmed. I was one of three people who actually enjoyed RETURNS.

I guess I'm #2... :lecture

number 3 right here!:hi5:

I guess theres more than 3 cause i enjoyed it too

5. :wave

It's an odd film, no doubt about that. But I dig it. The proposed sequel synopsis sounds good to me...really good...but I'm still looking forward to Snyder's take on the material.
Re: The Man of Steel

Honestly I think true or not, that sequel story sounds really good and I would have loved to see it made

It touches on a lot of the themes that Superman is all about

Also, while I didn't like returns much, I'd love to see the extra 30 mins they talk about - anyone else know further detail about that?
Re: The Man of Steel

I hope it's extra footage of Superman being an illegitimate father, or spying on Lois and her new family, or allowing a likable human man to believe he's the father of a bastard child.
Re: The Man of Steel

Number 6 here. I thought it was decent. Yes it could definitely have been better, and I didn't think Lois was cast correctly at all. But Routh was perfect and that airplane scene was spectacular.

And that story for the sequel sounds pretty good. Although I agree they would never let the kid die--they would have found a way to let him survive, which would have added more conflict. Most likely the solution would have been at the cost of the kid's powers.
Re: The Man of Steel

according to recent rumor Joe Manganiello may play supes in the zack snyder reboot.

great choice if you ask me

Re: The Man of Steel

Eh, the photoshop looks ok.

But that dude did nothing but get his ass kicked in True Blood.