Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

Biel is ridiculous... I'd love to see a turbo hot lois like that... So far all of the Cinematic Lois' have been average... Teri Hatcher>Smallville Lois and then Kate Bolsworth....
Re: The Man of Steel

Yes, yes. But we also don't need a Michael Bay movie.

Doesn't have to be that. More along the lines of Ang Lee's Hulk and The Incredible Hulk. The first movie had Hulk vs. The Army, Steroid Hulked up dogs and some electrical ass clown. Which is why it sucked. The second movie still had the whole army element but the main villain was Abomination so it had what Ang Lee's Hulk movie didn't have: Epic, unbridled, heart pounding, mind numbing action that will cripple your senses, loosen your bowels and release your bladder.

I think the best villain to go heads up with Superman (like Hulk vs. Abomination) would be Bizarro.
Re: The Man of Steel

I'd like to see Superman die at the hands of of Doomsday and then Bring in Shaq to play Steel in the sequal.

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Snyder casting is better than Nolan - at least we won't get a Gylenhaal. But Carla - as hot as she is - is too old for Cavill. But any of the other ladies in Sucker Punch or even Malin Ackerman would be okay. I'd love to see them go against type and cast a Kristen Kreuk or Katerina Graham as Lois.
Re: The Man of Steel

I have to say my top choice for Lois is Mandy Moore. I'm a huge fan of hers and I really think she'd do a great job.
Re: The Man of Steel

Emily Blunt is in the same category as Deschanel for me - neither have the toughness that Lois needs. Now Anne Hathaway on the other hand...
Re: The Man of Steel

I'd like to see Superman die at the hands of of Doomsday and then Bring in Shaq to play Steel in the sequal.


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Snyder casting is better than Nolan - at least we won't get a Gylenhaal. But Carla - as hot as she is - is too old for Cavill. But any of the other ladies in Sucker Punch or even Malin Ackerman would be okay. I'd love to see them go against type and cast a Kristen Kreuk or Katerina Graham as Lois.

:lol (to the first part)

Being too old IS the problem. I wish they had gone with an older-- tested-- experienced Superman (a la a Jon Hamm) and set it in the 50's... Then we could maybe actually see some style and story over another reboot origin with 90210 actors...

I wish they'd show some creativity with these superhero properties. Don't they realize that the best graphic novels are the stories that go out of the comfort zone-- I'm afraid that even with the people involved (Nolan, Snyder) this is heading in exactly the same path that a "studio" would direct it towards with marketing and focus groups.


Carla would've been a perfect Lois in that scenario...

Re: The Man of Steel

Malin Ackerman would be fine as lois, she's sexy and tough. thats what Bosworth lacked, Lois is a girl who can take care of herself, and Bosworth just seemed like your usual damsel in distress.

As for the villian I think either Bizarro or (in a long shot) Conduit would be a good antagonist for a first movie, with Brainiac or Darkseid for another movie.

Leave Doomsday alone, don't do that storyline. they have proven they won't do the whole story and if you don't have the whole Death of, world without, and return of Superman then the whole fight with Doomsday looses it's meaning. I loved Superman:Doomsday but it lacked the power of the books.

This movie has to have a good balance of drama and action for it to work. I think Snyder will do a good job of giving Superman a dramatic edge that will help him connect to a crowd that leans more towards Wolverine.

One last note: if or when they get around to Darkseid, please please please get Michael Ironside back to do his voice!