Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel


Synder knows just like WB knows that the last Superman movie was panned hard because of the non-physical threat. I guarantee you that this one will have Supes fighting and will have the traditional Synder slow motion shots in between.

Plenty of action and even Superman punching things in this one. Of course, just one Super punch would be more than Singer's entire film had. :lol
Re: The Man of Steel

Battling Brainiac bots! Throw down with Phantom Zone criminals! Luthor in full purple and green battle suit!

Let's get physical Kal-El!
Re: The Man of Steel

Interesting read:

Rumor: ‘Superman’ Has Third Act Issues; WB Unhappy With ‘Sucker Punch’?
Posted on Tuesday, February 15th, 2011 by Russ Fischer

We just talked about the fact that Sherlock Holmes director Guy Ritchie has reportedly been offered the director’s chair on Xerxes, the sequel to 300. That comes as a bit of a shock, because that had previously been thought to be a Zack Snyder sequel, full stop. He did 300, then 300 more or less defined him, and he has been developing Xerxes with original graphic novel author Frank Miller. As of last summer the script was under way.

Along with the report that Xerxes might go to another director there were some allegations about script problems on Superman, which Zack Snyder is currently set to direct, and that his just-completed Sucker Punch hasn’t tested well, leading to studio dissatisfaction and the Xerxes handoff. So what’s going on here?

I’m cautious about Vulture‘s report when it comes to things that don’t directly have to do with Xerxes going to Guy Ritchie. Let’s work through this one one step at a time.

In October, Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. gave directorial duties of the new Superman to Mr. Snyder. Yes, Watchmen wasn’t a massive success and the animated owl movie Legend of the Guardians, which he also directed, seemed to fly away silently into the September air. (At $139m global against a $55m budget the film isn’t close to profitable, when you factor in the exhibitor cut and P&A.) At the same time he was well into post-production on Sucker Punch. And the studio still gave him Superman. So there’s something positive there — the relationship between director and studio seemed pretty solid as of fall.

Vulture suggests, based on reports from ‘insiders,’ that Superman needs a lot of script work (a third act, really) and will take every bit of effort to get it into production so that WB doesn’t face any rights issues as the deadline for rights reverting to the Siegel and Shuster estates looms in 2013. (That’s when the Siegel and Shuster estates retake partial control of story elements from Action Comics #1, and thereby the core elements of Superman.) That is easy to believe, in part because there is a burden on WB not just to make a Superman film, but to get it right. It’s a well-known origin story, and while the hero is known the world over, he’s not exactly got the most recognizable pack of villains to choose from.

David Goyer is writing the script and, frankly, it’s an unenviable task. So, third-act problems there? We can buy that. Getting Superman right has to be the priority, so if giving up Xerxes to make Superman is the deal, it’s pretty easy to see why he’d choose one over the other. Even if there aren’t problems with Superman or Sucker Punch, just getting Superman made is going to be more than a full-time job.

The site also says that Sucker Punch has been testing poorly and WB really isn’t happy with it. Based on the trailer alone I can swallow the idea that Sucker Punch isn’t good, or at least isn’t testing well. The movie looks like a mess to me. And yet I’ve been told by people who’ve seen a lot more of it that there are good things in there. Right now we don’t know the truth about the tests, and I wouldn’t take the anonymous report as gospel yet. I’d focus on the fact that Superman is going to be an all-encompassing task, and we’ll evaluate Sucker Punch for what it is when the film is actually released at the end of March.

Good that the issues are being identified early bad that there are already issues....
Re: The Man of Steel

If there are indeed script issues, then the Nolans and David Goyer bear the brunt of that responsibility at this point.
Re: The Man of Steel

Isn't Sucker Punch basically a rehash Pan's Labrynth? The girls are trapped in an asylum and they dream up a Dream World to escape to?
Re: The Man of Steel

New Superman Henry Cavill on cover of EW


The mag also features some exclusive info and interviews with Cavill and Director Zack Snyder. Here is an excerpt..

Cavill’s audition, which included shooting a screen test wearing a replica of Christopher Reeve’s once impressive, now dated Superman suit. “If you can put on that suit and pull it off,” says Snyder, ‘that’s an awesome achievement.” Cavill was feeling less than super in the moment, at least about his ability to fill out the costume: He had just finished shooting a film with Bruce Willis called The Cold Light Of Day, and the part required to him to shed the impressive abs of steel and muscle tone he had put on for the movie he made right before that, the forthcoming mythic fantasy Immortals. As an assistant helped to him put on the Super-suit, Cavill recalls: “All I could think was: Oh, god. They’re going to look at me and go ‘He’s not Superman. Not a chance.’ The actor inside me was going: You’re not ready! You’re not ready!” Snyder saw something — or rather someone — different. “He walked out, and no one laughed,” says the director. “Other actors put that suit on, and it’s a joke, even if they’re great actors. Henry put it on, and he exuded this kind of crazy-calm confidence that just made me go ‘Wow.’ Okay: This was Superman.’”
Re: The Man of Steel

He looks like Dan Jurgen's Superman hard... Which is awesome because he was one of my favourite artists!


Also can't wait to see the Opening credits... All of Snyder's films have awesome opening credits!
Re: The Man of Steel

Interesting read:

Good that the issues are being identified early bad that there are already issues....

I don't buy half of that ____. And if I'm wrong then the problem probably isn't on the director's end. The studio which greenlit "Superman Returns" has a problem with the new script?

Not gay enough, maybe?
Re: The Man of Steel

Who says it's the studio that has problems with the script? The studio green lit the project - perhaps it's Snyder and/or Nolan that have problems with it? I have plenty of faith in the 2 of them getting it right.

Although the studio let an auteur take over with Singer, so perhaps they're being more careful this time.
Re: The Man of Steel

he looks good as superman. always been a fan of cavill.

His most memorable role for me will always be the count's son... haha
Re: The Man of Steel

Best Fan Manip I've seen so far....


That is pretty good, and I like that suit design too. But I hope they get further away from the SR suit with Cavill.
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