Mhm well, amongst the things I like about the movie are some of the characters, Zod for starters is a brilliant reinvention of the villain, with a purpose that now feels more inexorable than just megalomany, and Shannon's performance completely nails that sense of duty this villain has, it almost makes you feel empathetic about him at times, and that's the thing about villains these days, most of them are not just "evil", evil's a matter of perspective, he's not only bad, he has a duty, and you can feel he's determined to fulfill it, and THAT is more menacing than ever, and when he's stripped from said duty, you can also feel his aimless rage, it was fantastic.
Faora was all about the action and predatory attitude, she made a hell of a henchwoman for Zod, but there's not much I can say about her, both bad nor good.
Pa Kent delivered a heart touching performance portraying a father that in fact had no idea how to deal with his god-like son, I think no shortage of people would find themselves in that same position, but you could tell he really loved him, as much as he was scared of his potential.
Jor-El, also did a great job for the most part, the complaints I have for him are not his fault rather than the writing, we didn't need a "bad ***" Jor El, there didn't need to be a fight between him and Zod, but for what it's worth though, his speeches later on were very inspirational.
Superman himself delivered a good performance with the little lines he was given, and portrayed the energetic essence of the character in moments of jeopardy, while keeping his boy scout farmboy essence, the little lines he was given he delivered a 100% Superman style, he even could voice act Supes on animated movies

I hope they give him more material to work with in the next movie, you can tell he can pull of the innocence and charisma characteristics of Superman.
What I like the most about this film is it's approach to the character, they made him have the logic struggle anybody would have if they were in his position, not knowing what his call is, where to fit in, how to fit in, feeling repressed for not being himself, and all that quickly changed at the moment he was set free and made his first flight, that smile was contagious, after that, they gave him a learning curve, he was still not in control of himself, his anger, his visceral reactions, which was a great idea, and obviously the events developed accordingly, which I thought were executed nicely for the most part.
There's a lot more things I like about it, like the representation of Krypton and it's context etc etc, but what I don't like or don't care for:
The jumping around/fighting/badass Jor-El was completely unnecessary, and I dislike the fact that he was able to take down Zod, I mean, how?
The tornado, I mean, there were plenty ways Clark could've saved Pa Kent without being discovered, plenty, all that felt really forced, and it took all the punch away from that scene.
The infamous kiss, ugh, they should have saved that for MoS2, there was no reason for them to kiss right there, it was still less forced than Lois/Clark relationship from the old movies, but still did not feel right, kissing on top of the destruction and the chaos, it was just distasteful.
The scene in the ship where Jor-El guides Lois, everything was so well coordinated, it was a bit ridiculous... and right now, I can't remember anything else...
Pretty much, the good far outweighs the bad, all that makes it the best Superman movie so far for me, I hope that answers your question Chewblacca

Sorry for the long post