Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

Russell Crowe is a great actor I think he'll do fine in the role, however I think they may be getting a little too carried away with casting these major stars. If the story is crap heavy hitters can only carry it so far. And in the end all of the supporters won't do any good, if Cavill can't pull it off.
Re: The Man of Steel

I see it about as much as I see Brando as Jor-El. Brando literally phoned in his performance, and I see Crowe doing exactly the same thing.
Re: The Man of Steel

Crowe would be brilliant casting as Jor-El. Great actor.

Jor-El needs a makeover from the stodgy, Shakespearean character in the Reeve movies. Having him be a tough-guy type would be a welcomed changed -- and might line up a bit better with the traits of his son.

It has actually dawned on me that Crowe wouldn't be all that bad as Bruce Wayne in Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, either.

Re: The Man of Steel

Crowe would be brilliant casting as Jor-El. Great actor.

Jor-El needs a makeover from the stodgy, Shakespearean character in the Reeve movies. Having him be a tough-guy type would be a welcomed changed -- and might line up a bit better with the traits of his son.

Jor-El as a tough guy would be horrible. Jor-El is a brilliant scientist who in finding out about the destruction of Krypton and seeing that the council of Elders won't heed his warnings builds the spaceship to send his son to salvation. I don't read tough guy anywhere in there....changing it for changes sake doesn't really bode for the better for me.
Re: The Man of Steel

Crowe is a great actor. Just because he plays a tough guy in a lot of his movies doesn't mean he will in this.
Re: The Man of Steel

Since they are rebooting this, I hope Krypton is not another Alaska on steroids. I like the animated version where it was a technological city since they are suppose to be a superior race, not eskimos.
Re: The Man of Steel

According to reports Krypton will look more 50's Sci-Fi than freezer that needs to be cleaned out
Re: The Man of Steel

I like the idea that Kryptonian technology is based around the control of the growth of and storage of information on crystals. Its become sort of iconic imagry associated with Superman and IMO a very cool idea that gives Krypton its own uniqueness among other sci-fi planets.

While it can be given a new look that makes it actually look like a place where someone would live, and not a rock quarry; they shouldn't completly lose that idea in favor of generic "50's sci-fi future city".
Re: The Man of Steel

I like the idea that Kryptonian technology is based around the control of the growth of and storage of information on crystals. Its become sort of iconic imagry associated with Superman and IMO a very cool idea that gives Krypton its own uniqueness among other sci-fi planets.

While it can be given a new look that makes it actually look like a place where someone would live, and not a rock quarry; they shouldn't completly lose that idea in favor of generic "50's sci-fi future city".

That's an interesting idea, but not really necessary for Krypton IMHO. I just hope it doesn't look too much like like Asgard from Thor, which was 50s sci-fi with a Kirby/21st century twist.
Re: The Man of Steel

Jor-El as a tough guy would be horrible. Jor-El is a brilliant scientist who in finding out about the destruction of Krypton and seeing that the council of Elders won't heed his warnings builds the spaceship to send his son to salvation. I don't read tough guy anywhere in there....changing it for changes sake doesn't really bode for the better for me.

It is possible to be brilliant and a tough guy (see Batman).

Jor-El is a scientist that stood against the tyranny and criminality of General Zod, that stood up to the entire government and science establishment of Krypton to tell them they were wrong and naive, and that completely defied their orders about any evacuation by building a ship to evacuate his son, yet simultaneously not evacuating himself (and thus sacrificing himself for his son).

You don't see a tough guy in there anywhere? Who else but a tough guy could build such wrath and resentment in Zod, and could simulatneously be so defiant of any Kryptonian authority?

Re: The Man of Steel

Who else but Jor el could stand against barbaric Kryptonian circumcision?
He's a progressive tough guy.
Re: The Man of Steel

Zack Snyder may have cast another important piece of the Superman mythos. Deadline is reporting that Julia Ormond has been offered the role of Lara, Kal-El's birth mother, in the upcoming Man of Steel.
Re: The Man of Steel

Christopher Meloni just might be Lex Luthor, he's up for a part.
He looks like a Lex.