Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

Nolan kept going on and on about how back to the roots of Superman he wanted to go, something tells me that a stylized suit and "s" shield would go against the storyline set. It could happen but it doesn't seem that way from what we've heard so far.
Re: The Man of Steel

Needs to actually be RED. Superman's S is RED not maroon. Always hated that about Singers costume.
Re: The Man of Steel



Fan art I ran across on SuperheroHype. Not mine. Looks professional. I like it ... a lot. The first one is the original ... but I actually like the second one (an alteration by another fan) better. of steel#/d3g8nc9


Looks very professional, but completely the wrong direction for Snyder.
Re: The Man of Steel

I really dislike that concept emblem. I think that Synder and co will deliver a faithful superman costume... It's far too iconic to get fresh with. E.g Superman returns suit was a fine attempt but missed it mark. And I think they know that.
Re: The Man of Steel

Spiderman's suit is iconic too, but look where the new movie is taking it. Different but same.
Re: The Man of Steel

I agree, as much as I liked SR they need to move as far away from it as possible. If they don't people will think it's a sequel and it will be dead in the water.
Re: The Man of Steel

I agree, as much as I liked SR they need to move as far away from it as possible. If they don't people will think it's a sequel and it will be dead in the water.

There are some things that just "feel" right and others that don't. The slight redesign of the shield for SR was fine, making it 3D was a great idea - but they screwed up by making it too small. The comics and now Smallville did it right - keeping the redesign and the 3D but making it bigger and more red than burgundy.
Re: The Man of Steel

Spider-Man's suit is iconic too, but look where the new movie is taking it. Different but same.

I agree... but Spider-Man has had 50 million costume changes... Superman has barely had any...

Off the top of my head, his original design with the roman boots, The classic/current suit, Black Kryptonian Solar Suit, The Electric Supermen (don't count as its a different 'lost in time' version of Superman) New Krypton Superman Military Suit. Kingdom Come & Batman Beyond's future Superman designs. I'm sure I've missed a couple, But generally it always been the same suit, just with a black 'S' background or his briefs being changed to a contemporary speedo look etc.

He has the most preconceived image of any fictional character... You can't be too radical with it. I only liked the SR body suit with the texture and the lines. I didn't like the dark red or the 'S' belt bucket or duel tone cape... I especially hated the boots!
Re: The Man of Steel

It's not only that but its more that Nolan made such a big deal about going back to the roots of the character that anything to modern would step all over that. Webb never said anything like that.
Re: The Man of Steel

How about this?

I like that idea. After our world's at war Supes chest emblem had a red "s" with the yellow replaced by black, same with his belt. It was in honor of those heroes who had died. I wouldn't mind that. As much as I like the SR suit it did bother men that they used the color scheme from the Evil Superman from superman 3. It would look a little better I think on film.

Just please for GOD'S SAKE stay far away from the horrible suit ideas that Burton had.
Re: The Man of Steel

from i09's Twitter Feed this morning:

Who's up for a probably totally fake but still kinda intriguing roundup of plot rumors? Well, OK then...

- Braniac destroys Krypton and may be set-up to be the villain in the sequel (if there is one).
- Zack Snyder would like Jon Hamm to portray Jor-El.
- Faora hates all men and is working with Zod and Jax-Ur to get out of the Phantom Zone.
- Jax-Ur was a close friend to Jor-El, who was exiled to the Phantom Zone, and is now working with Zod to free themselves (which they do).
- Zod's main goal is to make a new Krypton, using Earth, with him as leader. He plans to use Faora to start a new perfect Kryptonian bloodline and Jax-Ur to use his vast scientific knowledge to accelerate technology on Earth.
- Zod and Lex Luthor do have interactions. With LexCorp being the most advanced company on the planet, Zod plans to use LexCorp technology and advance it to Kryptonian levels, as it's the most "compatible."
- A key role in the film will be that of Gen. Samuel Lane, father of Lois Lane. Ed Harris and Jeff Bridges are being looked at for this role. Gen. Sam Lane is leading Earth's defense against Zod, Faora and Jax-Ur. He grows a hatred to all Aliens — including Superman.
- Lindsay Lohan is up for the role of Lana Lang. She isn't Clark's High School sweetheart, just a girl he likes. Lana isn't interested in him because she is one of the popular girls, while Clark is geeky character who can't really show what he is like — a "Superman." Lana does find out though when the school bus crashes and Clark saves the day — as she sees him.

If nothing else, casting Jon Hamm as Jor-El would be pretty fantastic...and I see that absurd Lindsay Lohan rumor just won't die. Anyway, this is just a selection - you can read the full roundup at the link. [Cosmic Book News]
Re: The Man of Steel

Russell Crowe has been cast as Jor-El.

I think this is the first misstep.
Crowe wouldve been better in his lean years but Jon Hamm looks like an older Superman. Yeah, I know Brando was headed to mammoth physical proportions when he was cast
but Brando is well, Brando and had buckets of gravitas.Which leads me to believe the spoilers Mike posted are unreliable as a whole. Sorry Mike.
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Re: The Man of Steel

It's a good choice to me. I've liked Crowe in pretty much everything he's done.