Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

Can't really tell anything from that shot. Looks like a Batman poster with the lighting and the pose. I'll reserve judgment. At the very least with Snyder we will get some great Superman action.
Re: The Man of Steel

Dislikes: :rolleyes2
Suit's Texture
The "S"

Likes: :yess:
Suit's colors
Cape's lenght
Not Superboy appearance
Re: The Man of Steel

I'm not 100% happy but I do like somethings that I see in the suit. I can't wait to see this movie.
Re: The Man of Steel

New Joker though. Also, Morphosis, your poster is from a guy named SkinnyGlasses on

ah ha! I knew I saw that somewhere. I read all the time...A friend of mine told me he got the poster off the Superman Man of Steel Facebook page, but when he sent me a link to the FB page it was a fan-made page. He didn't realize it. So i figured then this was a fan-made poster and i knew it looked familiar.

Re: The Man of Steel

you're easy to please. and ____ off with that haters gonna hate ____. you don't know me. i'm looking forward to a good superman movie, but i'm not liking what i see so far. is there a problem with that?


;) :lol

I like the colors, the "S" was expected, the lack of a spitcurl is disappointing but not dealbreaking but the rubbery sheen to the suit bothers me a bit. I'm just wondering if they'll let him keep his undies on the outside or if WB/DC forced a similar look to the new reboot. I'm not impressed but not completely thrown by it either. IT's about what I expected in terms of suit since it looks similar to something out of Watchmen and Snyder is directing but I didn't expect it to be so shiny. At least the eventual figure will look great next to the classic Reeve in terms of contrast. I think Amy Adams' casting as Lois bothered me more than this suit.
Re: The Man of Steel

That photo of Cavil reminds me one of the actors from the 1978 Superman early casting :panic:.
You can see him in the following behind the scenes video at the 1:39

[ame=""]‪Superman: The Movie (CASTING the Characters)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Re: The Man of Steel

For me, Costner is the only one I'm not a fan of. In a lot of ways Amy Adams is key to this movie. She has to really play a great Lois Lane and her and Cavill really have to connect. She's a fantastic actress, really looking forward to her Lois Lane. And bringing back Zod will be awesome.

300 is a pretty fantastic movie. I think Snyder nailed that one. Saw Watchmen of course, it was ok. I was enjoying it up until the very end. Never saw Sucker Punch or Legend of the Guardians or Dawn of the Dead. He's got a fairly small resume, as he is a fairly young director. With Nolan at his side I think they can do a great job, total faith in this one. Anything Nolan does is usually pretty darn good only Insomnia being really only weak film. Plus they put this off a year probably because Nolan needs more time with it. Once TDKR is over and out next July, then he will have a year to get involved with Superman when he can. Im just glad him and Goyer wrote Superman.

I was unaware Superman's release date was delayed. If in fact true then that's very good news. I love Superman. I want this film to succeed, and I imagine the extra year of production time as well as the increased involvement from Nolan will definitely improve the odds of that.
300 and Watchmen were both decent, however I strongly dislike Snyder's remaining body of work. I get that you and a lot of other people are excited, and I'm happy for you. Superman deserves a comeback and he deserves the renewed attention. I just don't think the right man was chosen for the job. No disrespect and I do appreciate the intelligent conversation.

I am, however, going to have to fight you on this... Insomnia is a brilliant film. Haunting and downright brilliant. :lecture
Re: The Man of Steel

It is kinda weird showing a sneak pic of Supes when the movie wont be out till summer of 2013, hell Warners hasn't even shown a real promo pic of Batman or his new suit.
Re: The Man of Steel

The Batman Franchise will sell tickets without even trying. They don't need to heavy promote it. WB NEEDS this franchise to be a hit and help create at least one other Superhero on screen that can bring in the bucks. They need to create buzz to make sure at minimum opening weekend brings in everyone and wipes the thoughts of Superman Returns from anyone's mind.
Re: The Man of Steel

Kinda looks like lizard skin.

It must be horrid when you start sweating in those things. All clingy and squeaky. Reminds me that episode of Friends with the leather pants.

[ame=""]‪Ross‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Re: The Man of Steel

Technically, the film wasn't pushed back a year, but 6 months. It was due to premiere Christmas 2012, and it is now slated for June 2013. I'll have to disagree with the assumption that Nolan's involvement is the reason for it's delay. I think it comes down to a few other things: money and marketing.

The bottom line is that Warner Bros. already has their slate for successful franchises in place for 2012. For the summer, you have The Dark Knight Rises, seemingly Christopher Nolan's final entry into the Batman franchise. For the Winter, they have The Hobbit. These are two of the most successful franchises to come from Warner Bros. They are also two of the reasons that I believe Warner Bros. delayed the Man of Steel.

Superman and Batman are DC's big two, that much is apparent. Why would DC put out their two biggest guns in the same year? 2012 marks the end of an era for WB and DC, the "Epic Conclusion" to Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. Whether the new era will be as successful is entirely up to them.
Re: The Man of Steel

With that being said, it will take some time to get the new direction of the Batman franchise in order. I believe that Warner Bros. thought Green Lantern to be their next flagship franchise, but due to the commercial disappointment that experienced, they need to find their next franchise.

For the past 10 years, WB has, for all intents and purposes, had incredible success. From The Lord of the Rings, to Harry Potter, to Batman. With two of those ending (one of which already has), they need to budget just what they're putting out.

If Batman is their summer blockbuster for 2012, and Superman hitting in winter 2012, what's left for summer 2013? Green Lantern 2 is too much of a risk, and all of their other characters are in development hell.

Another reason that I believe Superman was delayed is the aforementioned Lord of the Rings franchise. The first entry into The Hobbit is slated for December 2012, would it be logical to put out another Blockbuster only a few weeks after? Why infringe on their own profit?
Re: The Man of Steel

Given that the suit is made from Kryptonian material (although it's supposed to be a blanket) I'm not really bothered by the texture. For me the real kicker will be to see Jor-El and the other Kryptonians to see how much influence their dress would have on Kal-El's inspiration for his suit.