I used to help run Tom Bakers fan club and had to go and give him copies of the club newsletter now and again. One time I met up with him he was dressed in all his 'Sherlock' finery and striding down the BBC corridor at full pelt, with various costume assistants trying to catch various items clothing as he flung it off himself as he strode towards his dressing room.
I also ended up seeing them recoding another part of the story (when the giant comedy rat was in the tunnels trying to bite Lela) because we had a friend who worked at the Beeb at that time, and you used to be able to bring a few friends in to watch them recording in one of the observation gallery's. I saw quite a few Who's that way, until I (would you believe) won a "design a Monster for Dr Who" competition and ended up visiting the set of 'The Face of Evil' and having dinner with the cast. God Tom was a scary bastard!Still is really.
Christ that was a loooong time ago.
All a bit ironic really considering I ended up working on the show during the Sylvester era.
Happy days. *sigh* Thats why I love what you've done here. It's rare to see fans recreating 'old Who' characters, let alone done with such care and accuracy.
Oh and in answer to your question, yes, I am bloody old.:
Awesome story, if I could go back in time and see any Who stories being recorded "Talons" would be my top choice after "Genesis of the Daleks".
The hacks that write for Who today ought to be locked in a room, possibly without food and made to watch the stories Robert Holmes wrote over & over until it sinks in what good storytelling is because not one of them has come close to Holmes on his worst day, let alone his best.