It goes (as of now)
X-Men First Class
Origins doesn't count apparently
X3 too. It's official
It goes (as of now)
X-Men First Class
Origins doesn't count apparently
Agreed, the Singerverse should be retired and Vaugn should be free to craft his version of X-Men.
What do you mean by kinda-sorta-powers?
People probably thought the same about Flash Gordon, no other company can do it better, then came along a little film called Star Wars
MS may be the first to do it, but time will tell if they're the best to do it.
While MCU has more comic accurate costumes it's bits and bobs from 616 and Ultimates spliced together. Storywise, both Fox and Sony have delivered comic based stories just as well as MS have. And the FF costumes were pretty damn comic accurate as was the story in the first, casting and Doom's character were the problem
There was great comic book movies before Marvel Studios and after Marvel Studios the idea that they're is the best there is and ever will be is bullcrap, they could **** up FF just as much as Fox could.
Let's roll with your logic. Your comparison is flawed, but easily enough corrected. Along came a little film called Star Wars that proved to be a phenom. Then everybody and their grandmother tried to capitalize on it with horrid results, upto and including James Bond. Nobody's saying they're the best that ever will be, but for the foreseeable decade, Fox and WarnerBros will fail massively in their lame attempts to "Drive Thru" their versions of "Avengers."
Singer ignored Superman III and IV. There's no reason he can't retcon away X3.
Since every other studio that has superhero rights is jumping on the MCU bandwagon, I expect a lot more of this kind of crap to follow suit. The issue is that MS built up their world over 5 years, and all the studios want to go from point A to point F as quickly as possible.
After 5 films, they still haven't gotten an X-Men film that is based on the comics the way the MS films have been, and the less said about the FF movies the better.
Fox is going to **** this up.
WB is going to **** this up.
Any other studio who tries to replicate the MS formula will **** it up too.
X-Men already has a big universe of characters all by themselves, and when they use them people complain that they aren't the A-Team
X-Men already has a big universe of characters all by themselves, and when they use them people complain that they aren't the A-Team
Well i think this Mark Miller news is a good thing, he'll help co-ordinate things so the films mesh better together
They also showed Mystique as Rebecca though too. It was intentional.
Of course it was intentional. But my point still stands that if anyone at Fox grows a pair and decides to blaze a new trail of continuity much better than that presented in 10 year old X-films no one cares about that *technically* they haven't painted themselves in a corner with Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. Because if they want to all of a sudden consider X:FC to be a true reboot they can just pretend Jackman was a funny reference to his previous character and NOT actually Wolverine. He says two words and no one calls him by name. He could be anyone if they want to start over with the continuity.
At this point, it'd be like replacing a healthy, alive Superman Reeve with an unknown. That's not growing a pair, that's cutting them off.
....Aaaaaaaaaaand this, pretty much. I find all the FF movies literally unwatchable, they are so bad. I tremble to think what is coming down the pike.
As for Mark Millar, I have no trust in him ever since the utter fiasco that was the screen version of "Wanted." He actually went along with that; it was like watching Michaelangelo agree to help deface the Sistine Chapel.
[For those who are about to type "butbutbut, WAnted was great!" please get back to me after you read the graphic novel; I haven't seen a fantastic intellectual property raped quite that badly in.... I don't know when, but its been literally years.]