Super Freak
My advice is, don't seek relationship advice in a toy forum.![]()
Why? Just because we collect toys doesn't mean we don't have relationships or advice that might help

My advice is, don't seek relationship advice in a toy forum.![]()
Honestly it seems like as long as you are collecting figures she isn't going to be happy. And I do not believe that anyone should change for the person they are with so I'm not entirely sure this is a good relationship for either of you. I hope everything works out for the best tho and I wish you luck!
You should always compromise in relationships, saying you shouldn't change ever is rather selfish, we all have room for improvement.
You should always compromise in relationships, saying you shouldn't change ever is rather selfish, we all have room for improvement.
I think you misunderstood me. I don't view a compromise as a full on change. And you're absolutely right compromises are completely necessary. I said it seems like as long as he is collecting she will always be nervous and unhappy. Therefore it would seem he would need to stop collecting which is a change, not a comprise. The ideal situation for them would be they set up a spending limit so he can collect and she feels secure. But I think if she expects him to stop altogether that that is unfair to him. It's all about finding middle ground.
I think you misunderstood me. I don't view a compromise as a full on change. And you're absolutely right compromises are completely necessary. I said it seems like as long as he is collecting she will always be nervous and unhappy. Therefore it would seem he would need to stop collecting which is a change, not a comprise. The ideal situation for them would be they set up a spending limit so he can collect and she feels secure. But I think if she expects him to stop altogether that that is unfair to him. It's all about finding middle ground.
Wow. There are other woman out there who understand that what you spend your money on is your business and not theirs. I mean, you guys aren't married and don't have kids so it really is none of her business.
Sounds like she's a little jealous of your hobby.
I think you misunderstood me. I don't view a compromise as a full on change. And you're absolutely right compromises are completely necessary. I said it seems like as long as he is collecting she will always be nervous and unhappy. Therefore it would seem he would need to stop collecting which is a change, not a comprise. The ideal situation for them would be they set up a spending limit so he can collect and she feels secure. But I think if she expects him to stop altogether that that is unfair to him. It's all about finding middle ground.
Compromises should benefit both parties as a middle ground, not force one person to change drastically for the other. I can only go by what the OP posts, but if this is an accurate picture I don't think he has any reason to believe in the future that she wouldn't tell him to stop collecting or she'd leave him. Now, a situation could easily exist where the person's in debt up to their eyeballs and living with no furniture, afford this stuff, which would be one thing. But I've seen just as many circumstances where someone just plain doesn't like the hobby and doesn't want their significant other into it - just flat out demanding they change because that's what the person WANTS.
It's important to recognize when it's better to break up than trying to force someone to fit into the box you want them to fit into.
Also, everybody has deal breakers. One of mine was kids. I've never wanted them, at any point in my life. I wouldn't be with a guy who really wanted them. If he settled for having no kids because of me, he would resent me and our life together. If I popped out a kid because he wanted one even though I didn't, I would end up resenting him. That's a HUGE lifestyle difference. You gotta know what you want and don't want. When it's fine and right to compromise, and when it's not. And when it's better to walk away and meet someone who is more compatible with you.
*I have a wonderful SO, whom I met because of our shared collecting hobby - we have similar goals and desires in life, our differences compliment each other. This hobby brought us together. Waiting to find someone who "fits" with me, was more than worth it.