Got mine today. It’s a stellar figure aside from the heads. I’m glad they went with expressive heads as that’s totally Jim Carrey’s Riddler. For those that wanted a neutral, stoic head I have to respectfully disagree. I don’t even think he had a neutral face in any promo pics. It’s frankly hard to find any neutral Jim Carrey pics. His face being so expressive is what really defines his career and Riddler was no different, perhaps even more so than normal.
The tongue head is the wrong choice for the hat head. The promo shot it’s based on is hatless. It’s not something I particularly associate with Jim’s Riddler. I would have gone with a big smile reminiscent of the scene he breaks into Two-Face’s lair and introduces himself. That may be the only significant appearance of the hat and jacket so that would have made more sense to me, given it’s been several years since I last watched the film.
The hatless head is based off the iconic poster, so it was a good choice. The execution is off though. It’s somewhat between a smile and grimace. I think having gone more open mouth smile would have been better. The expression on the poster is a weird one though. Maybe too much early photoshop? It might look best with the box device receiver against his forehead for that semi high look.
I think a third head would have gone a long way here too. I think an expression other than a smile would have been nice but which one is hard to determine. They could have gone something very specific like the baseball pitcher tongue pushing against the cheek look or squinting at the little diamond. Or maybe even the tiara and ear rings robbery look (some cash and diamonds should have been some of the accessories). He has plenty of expressions and I would have liked at least one more head in addition to the revisions of the two we got.
That said, we knew what the heads looked like going in and they delivered on what they presented. I’m hoping someone, if not Mars, offers an alternative head sculpt or two that we might be able to use. I’m glad they took a risk here, even if the choices or execution missed the mark a bit. Going neutral here would have been a huge mistake.