Did u not see the Sam workout montage? He is now capable of flips and bouncing the shield of wood posts. What more can a man do?
Seriously though he should?ve been dead after that fight with Walker. The shield without the serum is no bueno.
I will give the series credit for the fight choreography keeping it real tho -
Falcon can fight, sure, but he's using his suit/wings to compensate against super soldiers in the series, and I've got no problem with that. Having Walker (who Battlestar described as making the right decisions in a fight) target and yank Falcon's wings off was right - Walker's effectively crippled his opponent.
Dunno if the writer is actually thinking of it; but Bucky going to Wakanda to get Sam a suit is more than new wings; he's giving a non-super soldier friend an equalizing factor, 'coz pretty sure the new outfit is gonna be some vibranium-laced armor suit or whatever. So maybe it was a thing showing Bucky likes Sam more than he lets on 'coz his head is a mess e.g. he's protecting Sam the way he once protected Steve. But I don't KNOW that's what the writers were thinking. They could be thinking "let's give the Falcon a really cool black and silver suit and once again show how superior Wakanda is, in every way"
even if in IW there was no air support and everyone lined up for battle the way they did in the 1700s"
I have/had a lot of interest in this series since the Winter Soldier along with Falcon and Cap are my favorite MCU characters; and think Team Cap and the writing in general suffered in IW and EG.
As a character fan, am reasonably happy. This was a new showrunner and group of writers, and u never know what ur gonna end up with. Except for the social consciousness overload and some parts that drag IMO, I'd give it a B/B+ for now. This past week's tease was BS, but nothing that Marvel hasn't pulled before (e.g. all the hype was about the fight and u THINK the last 2 episodes are gonna be roller coasters; instead I got a nice close-up of Bucky sanding a deck - reminds me I need to pick up some new tools

- other than that not sure what the boat repair sequence was about...).
Hopefully the showrunners - Spellman is supposedly a comic fan - get it that the audience is expecting a big payoff

, and not some weak end fight like in Iron Man 2.