Just went back and read this. Yes! This whole Marvel-Lesson is so tired. I watch reality every day on the news, I don't need to see it again in poor allegorical form in my escapism. I don't even mind the blatant parallels with Trump America vs BLM America, but at least add some bloody fighting, excellent set-pieces and use your damn villains to purpose! Zemo gets escorted softly away to the next show? WHAT!? Introducing the Yada Lady as a super villain? WHAT!!? All done to make more time for Sam to fix that boat. You know what, I really want someone to sink that stupid symbol and smack his whiny sister so she'll stop giving Sam guilt-trips and then decide not to sell.
Again, that entire episode was probably the worst episode of all the MCU I have seen so far. OK, no, that is still the circus episode in Wanda... but its close.
Well, yeah, more or less; worst thing I've seen in the MCU - that trophy, for me, tended to get handed to cringefest NatBruce, Shuri insulting Bruce Banner, the IW girlpower BS, and heck, even EG having a Tony/Dad love fest which for me, effectively negated several movies' worth of a whole arc of Tony's fractured father relationship and even Bucky offing Tony's parents, because it was all A-OK anyway

And now, *&&^% like having Bucky be the symbolic spokesperson for white insensitivity, which IMO was pretty &^%$. Crossed a line into complete tastelessness

, as this is a POW who was tortured, mutilated, and so messed up he was gonna off his best childhood friend. The whole thing with Isaiah seemed to suggest that Bucky, being white, was taken care of (new arm) while Isaiah was blotted out of existence.
But so was Bucky; so that's *&^%. A guy depicted as so out of it in TWS, he calmly accepts a mouth guard to get the *&^% shocked out of him. Like, u wanna make a point about inequitable health care, pick another way. They could have said Isaiah's wife died 'coz she couldn't afford expensive medication, or something, because her survivor benefits were a cheat or denied (Walker being stripped of his benefits BTW is a big deal and would affect his family, so it was good that got mentioned tho)
Meanwhile, in theory, so OK, did Isaiah's blood get used by the U.S. to make serum, so Bucky kills Tony's parents to get the serum, so effectively Isaiah got revenge against the machine by taking out the great Howard Stark, or what?
What a snooze episode. One more to go...I guess we finally get to the train sequence. This show is not going to end well. Meaning not with a bang, but with a whimper and a message.
Afraid of that

. I'd like to think Marvel knows better; that while the comics have always reflected social issues, the MCU is about entertainment and escapism. My bro argues this episode was putting the pieces on the board for a big finale.
Yeah, I get that, but there was a lot of drag in this episode (great photography of coastal Louisiana tho).
The inexplicable amount of time hanging out and fixing the boat

- what, was this so Bucky could get another moment of calm he hadn't had since Wakanda? Male bonding? LOL it bugs me when that much time is spent on anything and it seems to be pointless, while screen time is ticking away. They could have had a least a fun bar fight break out in New Orleans, or something.
Anyway, so far, IMO this series has so much good; it had the capacity to be great, but like the %$# boat is getting &^%$ by wokeness and some PONDEROUS editing.
D@mmit. Guess I gotta wait for someone's supercut that tightens things up. Heck, I even got robbed of my favorite MCU character heading back to Wakanda and maybe doing the White Wolf thing, since apparently Bucky is not welcome there for a while. It's too bad; I'd have liked to see the scene-stealing M'baku interact with Bucky.