Broke and happy
A HT with that expression and bloody shield would be freaking awesome lol
Battle Star said man imagine how many lives we could have saved if we had that serum and then Walker took it and couldn't even save one. Harsh.
Would?ve been great had he beheaded the guy and they showed his head rolling down the fountain steps lol
Nonetheless they wanted a visual representation to show that America was built on blood and they got it with that bloody shield.
Every country is built on “blood” to some degree, America is not alone in that distinction. “How?”, ”When?” and “Why?”and for “What reason?” was that blood was shed are better questions.
And in that regard I’d say America comes out looking better than most in history.
Battle Star said man imagine how many lives we could have saved if we had that serum and then Walker took it and couldn't even save one. Harsh.
Yeah his little twitches were great. Didn't Cap have multiple vials injected though? The logistics of the actual injection confused me.
Then there's the flashback of Red Skull injecting one vial and he bugs out.
When you have a good day vs when you have a bad day
Target vs Walmart
Comic adaptation vs Netflix adaptation
One thing I forgot all about that caught my attention, I've just remembered..
Latvia and Latveria - What's the difference?
Not familiar with all the geographical locations to the east.
**** is about to go down!!!!