Marvel Studios - She Hulk

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Or, and hear me out, it’s just not good.

It fails at whatever its trying to be.

No. No no no no no nooo.

If you don't LOVE the brilliance and cutting edge hilarity of She-Hulk, that's on YOU. It has nothing to do with the AMAZING QUALITY of this incredible ground-breaking historical show, and everything to do with YOU being angry and frustrated cause you were born with a teeny tiny little wee-wee and no woman will ever ever touch your sad little cis-het white heternormative patriarchal peepee, so you just choose to rage on the internet. INCEL!!! ******* SEXLESS LOSER!!

(Don't even try to argue.....the science is airtight. If you don't love everything about this amazing show, especially the writing, it's cause you have a micro-ween.)
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Yeah I felt the same about that. I was not expecting that at all for them to take 4th wall to that level. Thats why I said earlier I wonder how far they will take Deadpool 3.

I adore those 2 Deadpool movies - Ryan Reynolds playing DP is like Depp playing CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow . . . one of those examples of PERFECT casting.

Life can be a ***** at times - and I'm so enamoured of anything that combines my geek interests (recent or historical) with genuine humour - particularly when it's done in a clever and/or self-deprecating way.

The Deadpool movies AND this are examples of entertainment that do exactly what they are supposed to . . . entertain.

Perhaps the reason that some freaks here are so deeply outraged and hurt by this show/finale is because some of the content and themes hit a little close to home and touched a nerve.
Ahhhhh. I always love these arguments. The show itself used those arguments. Don’t get me wrong, some hate it for those reasons but mcu has been a hot mess for a while now and it’s not the toxic fans fault.

I didn’t hate the show nor did I love it. It was IMO an easy watch but ultimately a forgettable mess.

I liked the main actress and the pace but can’t really think of much more that I liked.

They ****** up so much Hulk lore my head is spinning. MCU has been doing that since AOU, you would think I would be use to it by now

I personally did not like cgi daredevil, not after the great way they did him on Netflix.

I liked the full meta scene but at the same time it ruined the final episode as a whole. It took so much time that we did not get an emotional pay off either.

As for that finale reveal… What the actual ****

I hope marvel has a plan for Hulk cause I am getting ready to check out for good.
Some people just dont get it
Maybe, but that's their choice and they're welcome to their opinion. Opinions aren't facts.

I think this show is funny and fantastic. That's my opinion. Other's mileage will vary. I'm not trying to and never have tried to get anyone else to subscribe to my opinion. If you do, great! If you don't. oh well.
I adore those 2 Deadpool movies - Ryan Reynolds playing DP is like Depp playing CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow . . . one of those examples of PERFECT casting.

Life can be a ***** at times - and I'm so enamoured of anything that combines my geek interests (recent or historical) with genuine humour - particularly when it's done in a clever and/or self-deprecating way.

The Deadpool movies AND this are examples of entertainment that do exactly what they are supposed to . . . entertain.

Deadpool 2 failed at that IMO.

I did like the first one.
So my main gripe here is the same as Jaws, there was no emotional payback was there? I do get that had they gone for Kevin's ending it would have been a drawn-out trope by now but to cut straight back to everything already wrapped up in a bow... I just wanted to see how that all happened.

It's almost as if, we can just watch the last 2 episodes and throw away all the other episodes.

She Hulk is now the most powerful MCU entity with how she wrapped this up. Imagine if she went against Thanos!
I didn’t hate the show nor did I love it. It was IMO an easy watch but ultimately a forgettable mess.
There are things in this show I will never be able to forget, even if I wanted to. And yes it’s definitely a mess, but I think that’s one of the reasons I liked it so much. It refused to play by the “set rules”. You can interpret that as bad, lazy writing or you can choose not to.
So my main gripe here is the same as Jaws, there was no emotional payback was there? I do get that had they gone for Kevin's ending it would have been a drawn-out trope by now but to cut straight back to everything already wrapped up in a bow... I just wanted to see how that all happened.

It's almost as if, we can just watch the last 2 episodes and throw away all the other episodes.

She Hulk is now the most powerful MCU entity with how she wrapped this up. Imagine if she went against Thanos!
There are things in this show I will never be able to forget, even if I wanted to. And yes it’s definitely a mess, but I think that’s one of the reasons I liked it so much. It refused to play by the “set rules”. You can interpret that as bad, lazy writing or you can choose not to.

But - there be funnies !!!!!!! :joy

It's the ONLY Disney-Marvel TV show I'll be able to watch over and over (I've already watched every episode TWICE) . . . it just makes me HAPPY!

Fun writing, fun characters, fun to watch.

Mind - I will admit that me muvva said I used to be fascinated with yo-yo's and slinky's . . . so we should perhaps take that into consideration :dunno

With Marvel going off the rails with the final episode what was it all about?

What was the purpose?

She beat internet man rage?

Is that it?

Is that all you got?
With Marvel going off the rails with the final episode what was it all about?

What was the purpose?

She beat internet man rage?

Is that it?

Is that all you got?

Unicorns?, rainbows?, the admiration for people who can create, do good, and make us smile whilst facing the challenges this universe throws at us?

Well - that and unrhymed poetic form consisting of 17 syllables arranged in three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively.

I rewatched this and I think I am starting to get what they want to say (which in a nutshell is a jibe at how the MCU has become stale with their ideas).

I still stand by that I am not that fond of the ending itself though. We skip a lot of backstory for that character in the end just to show him there. DD spawning like a videogame character seems weird mostly because there is an established tone in the MCU. But I guess all bets are off after this one.
Or, and hear me out, it’s just not good.

It fails at whatever its trying to be.
It tried to be like the zany fourth-wall breaking nonsense I loved about her in the first place.

Her ending a story by going after the writers and creators is exactly what I wanted and expected from a She-Hulk story and feared they would never do because it’s so atypical… but they went all in!

Loved it!
I rewatched this and I think I am starting to get what they want to say (which in a nutshell is a jibe at how the MCU has become stale with their ideas).

I still stand by that I am not that fond of the ending itself though. We skip a lot of backstory for that character in the end just to show him there. DD spawning like a videogame character seems weird mostly because there is an established tone in the MCU. But I guess all bets are off after this one.
I did not need the action ending. I thought it was going nuts also and was hating it. I thought it would give us an ending though.

In the whole series I laughed out load twice, Smiled a few times, and rolled with the rest. 25 min was the perfect episode length for this show and in the end it was harmless.

Accept to the hulk and his universe. **** this show for that.