I call Blauflug!
Holy crap my man can still pull it off, his mouth shape remains the same.
That's his mouth from the trailer lol.
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Spider-Man fought flying villains before. I'm sure he doesn't need iron mans help to fight vulture.Yeah that makes sense, but he's a Spider-Man villain, not an Iron Man villain. What is Spidey gonna do against a high altitude super sonic flying guy who's dog fighting with Fighter Jets and Iron Man??? Guess he'll be on the ground duking it out with Shocker, who I pray, wasn't in his costume in the international trailer with that weapon thing which hopefully was a prototype until he has gauntlets that can do the same!!
I will gladly say I think the Vulture suit looks way cooler than the Falcon suit, for me there's nothing to dislike about the Vulture suit, it looks awesome.
Well, I think the version from Civil War was an improvement on the ASM one.
Can we all agree that the iconic line is getting more retarded with each new film?
Spider-Man 2 has nothing to worry about as far as legacy goes. It's never going to get dethroned.
The Raimi Spider-Man films could easily fit in the MCU.
I think the CW version was great because it told the story of Uncle Ben's death without actually rehashing it.
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just look at aunt may go.
that's why uncle ben died off screen.
I can buy him holding a train back but a cruise liner cut in half...yeah no.
Spider-Man fought flying villains before. I'm sure he doesn't need iron mans help to fight vulture.
Yes I get that.. I have been an avid Spidey fan since the mid 80's. I own several hundreds of Spider-Man comics. My response was to those saying that the Vulture's Huge wings and mask were due to high altitude flight and speed.. Spidey can only swing between buildings, and not fast enough to keep up with high speed flight. Also I believe no villain, such as Vulture, Green Goblin, Hobgoblin, the Human Fly, or anyone else in his rogues gallery that fly have ever fought Spidey in the upper limits of the atmosphere. I'm sure they had to have a valid reason as to why Iron Man was needed to help Spidey fight two low tier threats like Vulture and Shocker. When was the last time a big gun Avenger had to step in to take either of those guys out????
iron man is only in this for more ticket sales. Spiderman is here to prove himself as a real hero so he's taking them down himself. If not then that would suck.