Word of mouth? Everyone seems to love until I come onto this forum (with just about every other movie lol)I love how everyone is leaving out that Spidey had a ton of help with Marvel marketing Iron Man all over every poster and trailer. Every movie Iron Man has showed up in since the Avengers has made over a billion dollars.
Maybe the word of mouth did indeed hurt this movie, or maybe the competition from other movies hurt it, or maybe it's superhero fatigue, maybe a lack of repeat viewings. The movie is kinda long.
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Well said G, I think about all the trailer battles i'm involved with when they truly mean dirt lol
I'm rooting for BP big time as well, I am afterall black where it counts.
What's BP...? Is that a reverse DP...?
pWor-Gar will see BP if everyone here loves it.
(I sure hope I got my definition of BP correct)
Antisocial is not the correct term let me correct that he's not antisocial he's here posting his thoughts.
It's the "Anti-Good Taste in Action Scenes" behavior lol
He firmly believes in his mind that X2 has better action than even Raiders, Predator, Die Hard, RoboCop, Aliens, T2, True Lies, Matrix, TWS and CW!
Yes, and I had the proof...video proof, but I can't find it. Poor Pturtle ;_;
Khev :
Difabio + Pturtle :
Word of mouth? Everyone seems to love until I come onto this forum (with just about every other movie lol)
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The Matrix has the best action of all time in my opinion,
Then you have to love old Jackie Chan movies, because they have even better fight sequences... and tons of them.
I think you took me too literally. I just mean if you love choreographed fights like Matrix then you must love their origins. I just grabbed Jackie Chan as representative of that style (highly choreographed fighting).
Not really, it just gets moved to a different place until Disney finds it again