What is Marvel going to announce? Discuss.
Marvel To Publish Something
I understand that on Friday’s Cup O’ Joe panel at San Diego Comic Con, Marvel editor-in-chief Joe Quesada will announce that Marvel will publish something. And I know what it is. I squirrelled it out, piecing together all sorts of aspects from many sources. But I’ve been asked to hold off from any mention, however small, even on the atomic level, because of unique issues involved. So I’m being nice.
When they announce what it is, there is bound to be speculation, intrigue, interest and artwork hitting the major sites. The boards will explode, twitter will fail, this is the closest I’ve ever seen to that fabled legend in comics, that of breaking the internet in half. Joe Quesada has been doing his own teasing. He twitters;
I’m going to say this repeatedly over the next few days, Go to the Cup o’ Joe panel on Friday at 2:00
Why? Because somewhere midway through the panel, we’ll be showing a piece of art and making an announcement that will be the talk of the con.He’s right, it will be.
But I’m not telling. Because of real, honest, extenuating circumstances that could screw real, honest people over if I run it now. In fact, the timing is such an issue, the announcement may have to wait till the end of the panel.
After the announcement there will be a lot of questions. You never know, I might even have some answers.