Why are they treating their TV shows like their movie schedule? These should be putting out a season of each show every year, not every couple of years. If that is true, they are going to lose a lot of viewers fast! That's not how TV series work.
Why are they treating their TV shows like their movie schedule? These should be putting out a season of each show every year, not every couple of years. If that is true, they are going to lose a lot of viewers fast! That's not how TV series work.
There's so much secrecy with Netflix. Hard to know what their strategy is, or even how popular their shows really are.
Well of course, but did season 2 do good enough to warrant a season 3? And how are the Defenders plans really panning out at this point? Who knows? With other networks and cable channels at least you can get a decent impression.
There's got to be a season 3 for DD. They can't stop the show until we see Matt and Bullseye mix it up.
There's so much secrecy with Netflix. Hard to know what their strategy is, or even how popular their shows really are.
Maybe House of Cards, though it's old hat at this point.One thing is for sure, nothing else on Netflix was watched or talked about more than Making a Murderer.