Darth Caedus
Formerly Congerking
I just hope that their isn't a "get out of the ship, shoot geth, go to a level, leave, shoot geth, get back on the ship".....after about 100,000 times it got boring
I just hope that their isn't a "get out of the ship, shoot geth, go to a level, leave, shoot geth, get back on the ship".....after about 100,000 times it got boring
You guys might be interested in the Mass Effect Premium Theme for the 360 dashboard. I think its one of the best designed for the system.
The Fable themes are also nice.
I was wondering which actor could play Captain Shepard if a Mass Effect movie were ever made. I think the best choice (based on the default Shepard appearance) would be Matthew Fox. He looks the part and he played Jack Shepard in Lost.
Great trailer, btw.
1up E3 interview with Mass Effect creators Ray and Greg Musycka:
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Includes some gameplay footage and bits of story.
-reveals a locational damage system. Cripple the legs, the enemy will start limping or crawling.
BioWare Teases Arrival of Commander Shepard Statue
Written Friday, June 19, 2009 by Dan Webb
For the last few hours over on Twitter, BioWare have been teasing followers with a jigsaw style puzzle, finally culminating in the finished article a matter of minutes ago; the Commander Shepard statue.
Whilst no details are known at current time, all we know is that it's "Coming Monday to the BioWare store."
The image of this Shepard statue is below, but other than expecting something Monday, there isn't much more we can tell you. Usually I'd snap something like this up, but the quality portrayed in the photo is a little ... how do I put this? "Meh." We'll just hope for better quality images when Monday comes around ... that, and international shipping (which I can confirm, that they do - just checked).