Mass Effect 3

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Man I CAN NOT WAIT FOR THIS!!! :rock :rock :rock

I'm with the others that said that if they do add MP, I truly hope it doesn't take away from the solo mission. I love this game - love this story so much - if we get some crappy, short SP game I'm going to be soooooo disappointed.
Okay, that trailer gave me some serious chills. Especially when it zoomed out to reveal the soldier's location! PUMPED for this now! :rock

And it gives me hope for the ME movie. Imagine it looking like that with good acting and a solid story...:panic: Even though it'll probably crush my hopes and be a giant bowl of suck.:monkey2
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Dont mean to hijack the thread, but some advice would be appreciated.

I've been contemplating to buy Mass Effect 2, but will I miss out a lot in terms of story even though I have not playing Mass Effect 1???

I'm looking forward to hope onto Mass Effect 3, once it is released.

thks in advance for any answers!
Plus if you play the first one - you can import your character into ME2 - then decisions you made in the first game have some consequences in the sequel.

I really would play both. I really liked 1 but LOVED fully know the characters and their relationships - you really should start at the beginning.
Dont mean to hijack the thread, but some advice would be appreciated.

I've been contemplating to buy Mass Effect 2, but will I miss out a lot in terms of story even though I have not playing Mass Effect 1???

I'm looking forward to hope onto Mass Effect 3, once it is released.

thks in advance for any answers!

You should play the first games anyways. Both are incredible, and 2 was on sale for $17.99 used at Gamestop. I'm sure you can get it for a similar price on Amazon. The first game is probably even cheaper.
It's nice that they avoided the destroyed New York cliché and went for London instead. It's about time we got some destroying our capital city...
It's nice that they avoided the destroyed New York cliché and went for London instead. It's about time we got some destroying our capital city...

Still wish they wouldn't have sunk down to using such a clichéd concept. Oh well.
Still wish they wouldn't have sunk down to using such a clichéd concept. Oh well.

Yeah, I agree. I didn't want to say anything as to not sound negative on a 1 minute trailer, but I too hope their 'aliens attack Earth and is saved by our hero' concept won't be too cliched in ME3.

A whole galaxy (and beyond) of interesting races that could lead to a multitude of original stories.......but they go with the 'save the Earth' story. Kinda worried.
I guess It was always going to come down to a battle to save the galaxy from the Reapers. Other planets are probably under attack at the same time as well, Showing earth just makes it more relevant and impactful.
There's still plenty of room for originality and surprises within the relatively simple overarching story.

Have faith in Bioware, they know what they're doing.
While it's odd that they're focusing on Earth, I can understand why they're doing it as well. For one Shepard has been a serious thorn in their side, they've shown an interest in humanity in ME2, and by the time of ME3 humanity is probably one of the major forces in the galaxy, or even the most important one if you made certain decisions. Taking out Earth would be a serious blow to humanity, and probably strike fear into the other races as well.
And don't they want to capture humans - so maybe they can make another human reaper thing? Sure the one at the end of ME2 was destroyed (or not) but I am sure they have the technology to do it elsewhere. You didn't see them doing it to other alien races - so obviously they need humans and then they can destroy us and stick that extra *** at Shepherd.
Just diving straight into ME2 you'd be able to work out what was going on & also get an idea of what had happened in ME1 but to really be able to immerse yourself in the whole story you'd be better off playing both in sequence.

Plus if you play the first one - you can import your character into ME2 - then decisions you made in the first game have some consequences in the sequel.

I really would play both. I really liked 1 but LOVED fully know the characters and their relationships - you really should start at the beginning.

You should play the first games anyways. Both are incredible, and 2 was on sale for $17.99 used at Gamestop. I'm sure you can get it for a similar price on Amazon. The first game is probably even cheaper.

Thks for the recommendations!!!
I just bought 1 through steam, downloading now as I type this.

Gonna finish it up, get 2 and wait for 3!