Man. Guys, I apologize in advance, but I'm rather disappointed so far. It breaks my heart to say so. I have a few small issues, but there's one REALLY BIG change that really pisses me off.
I'm about 3-4 hours in and I cannot stand that Shepard says stuff without prompting me with a dialogue choice beforehand.
I don't usually bold text arbitrarily, but it really bothers me that I can't choose what Shepard says during a lot of scenes in which a dialogue tree would have been ideal. This was most apparent about 2 hours in when I first reach the Citadel and meet up with Bailey. There was no 'investigate' dialogue option, or anything that would allow the player to actually TALK TO BAILEY and learn more about what's been going on with him. Something like this would've been in ME1 or ME2 and now it feels like there's a gaping hole in ME3. I understand that you can interact with him a bit later, but it's really just that the process is set to auto-pilot often that bothers me.
Some lines of expository dialogue don't need a personalized reply or dialogue prompt, and I understand the need for certain cutscenes to move along smoothly and with some (admittedly cool) choreographed sequences, but I think they've taken it too far.
Also, In the previous games, Shepard would rarely (if ever) utter a single word without your say-so. Now, he has quippy replies and one-liners? Bleh. That's not my Shepard.
Hopefully, the 'auto-dialogue' doesn't continue for the rest of this game. If it does, it knocks my personal score for it down considerably.