-Did the mass relays pull an Arrival and go supernova?
No, they didn't. (i'm paraphrasing here, please don't interpret this too hard) They overloaded, they didn't rupture. :siren:We really didn't mean to imply that the whole galaxy had been destroyed. People interpreted the ending in ways we really didn't expect. :siren:
(Mr. Weekes dropped a lot of hints that he really didn't like the ending. He also said something that was almost 100% verbatim from the Penny Arcade Forum post often attributed to him)
They should have just had the beams or whatever go out and not have the mass relays get destroyed--there's really no reason why they would anyways, it serves no purpose.
Well, it was viscerally pretty interesting, and it was stunning and had an impact. Even my 9 year old's jaw hit the floor when he saw that. I think that's what they were going for.
They should have just had the beams or whatever go out and not have the mass relays get destroyed--there's really no reason why they would anyways, it serves no purpose.
Holy crap!! WANT:
Fan-made stuff is getting more and more amazing. More pics here:
Well, they aren't completely cut off from inter-galactic travel, but it would take a hell of a lot longer. Decades, even centuries between clusters. Furthermore, FTL travel without the relays would take considerable amounts of fuel and resources.
The post-credit scene at the end of the game takes place about 10,000 years after the ME series, and one of the characters expresses the desire to return to the stars and to visit other star systems, suggesting that the descendents of the organics in the ME series have not fully recovered from the mass relay destruction.
I agree with you that they probably didn't put much thought into the fate of the mass relays. The whole ending is lazy and rushed. The announcement of The Extended Cut is pretty much Bioware admitting it.
Well, apparently some of the new unlocks can be obtained through spectre packs but a lot of people have bought multiple packs and gotten nothing new yet. There are still supposed to be resurgence packs available to purchase at some point but who knows when.